
Isometric survival-ish game for the Amiga. Last as long as you can on a night out in Glasgow.



Guide our hero, Ned, through a boozy night out in Glasgow. Keep him in "the zone" to keep him out longer - if he gets too drunk or too sober, he'll have to go home. Spend your cash wisely, buy booze and food to balance Ned's drunkenness and help him last the distance. Keep in mind different establishments will have different opening hours, and watch out for the unsavoury characters roaming the streets, ready to put an end to Ned's night.

This is the Scottish Amiga Users Group entry into the 2022 Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam, and should probably be considered a work in progress. Further updates will be released as and when they happen.

Source code can be found at https://github.com/daedalus2097/WeegieNights

Compiled using AmiBlitz 3.8 and 3.9. Uses the PHX ProTracker library.


WeegieNights can be downloaded from the itch.io page at https://daedalus2097.itch.io/weegie-nights


1.2MB free chip RAM

A bit of any type of RAM

Ideally a fast '020 or higher


Just unpack and copy the complete drawer wherever you like.


Guide Ned using a joystick or arrow keys. Interact with people and objects by pressing fire. Open shop menus by pusing towards the shop and pressing fire / enter / space.


Coding: Rob Cranley

Graphics: Graham Thomson, Johnny Barker, Rob Cranley

Title Music: Banjo Guy Ollie

Sound Effects: Andrew Clarke, Rob Cranley

In-game "Music": Rob Cranley

Level Design: Graham Thomson, Johnny Barker


Code: CC BY. You may use the code in your own work, even commercially, provided you credit the author. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Title Music: Copyright Banjo Guy Ollie, used with permission.

Other Assets: CC BY-NC-SA. You may remix, adapt, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as you credit us and license your new creations under identical terms. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/