
Util functions available on UI thread in React Native

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Util functions available on both JS and UI thread in React Native


Install the library using yarn:

yarn add react-native-worklet-functions

Or using npm:

npm install react-native-worklet-functions


One of the keys to make smooth animations in React Native is to run animation logic on UI thread.
But when you make animation with utils like lodash, you have to make them "workletized function" to run them on UI thread.
With this library, you can use useful util functions on UI thread directly.


Use workletized util on UI thread.

import { random } from 'react-native-worklet-functions';

const tap = Gesture.Tap()
  .onEnd(() => {
    // You can use util functions on UI thread like below.
    width.value = withTiming(random(100, 300));
    height.value = withTiming(random(100, 300));



Name Description
camelCase(str:string) Converts a string to camel case
snakeCase(str:string) Converts a string to snake case
kebabCase(str:string) Converts a string to kebab case
pascalCase(str:string) Converts a string to Pascal case


Name Description
rgb(r:number, g:number, b:number) Converts the given RGB values to a CSS RGB string.
rgba(r:number, g:number, b:number, a:number) Returns the RGBA color value as a string.
hslToRgb(h:number, s:number, l:number) Converts HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) color values to RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color values.
hexToRgb(hex:string) Converts a hexadecimal color code to an RGB color array.
hexToHsl(hex:string) Converts a hexadecimal color code to HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) format.


Name Description
array1d(length: number) Creates a one-dimensional array of the specified length. The elements of the array are the numbers from 0 to length - 1.
chunk(arr: T[], size: number) Divide array into chunks of size
clamp(value: number, lower: number, upper: number) Clamp a number between lower and upper limits
concat(...args: any[][]) Concatenate multiple arrays
count(arr: any[]) Get the length of the array
debounce(func: T, wait = 0) Debounce function calls
find(arr: T[], predicate: (v: T) => boolean) Find first element that satisfies the predicate
findIndex(arr: T[], predicate: (v: T) => boolean) Find index of the first element that satisfies the predicate
groupBy(arr: Array<T>, iteratee: (v: T) => any) Group elements in array based on iteratee
head(arr: T[]) Get the first element of an array
isEmpty(arr: any[]) Check if array is empty
isEqual(a: any, b: any) Check if two values are equal
isNil(value: T) Check if value is null or undefined
isNull(value: any) Check if value is null
isUndefined(value: any) Check if value is undefined
keys(obj: T) Get keys of an object
nth(arr: T[], index: number) Get the nth element of an array
random(min: number, max: number) Generate a random number between min and max
range(start: number, end: number, step = 1) Generate an array of numbers between start and end, stepping by step
sample(arr: T[]) Pick a random element from an array
sampleSize(arr: T[], n: number) Pick n random elements from an array
shuffle(arr: T[]) Shuffle an array
tail(arr: T[]) Get the last element of an array
take(arr: T[], n: number) Take first n elements of an array
throttle(func: T, wait = 0) Throttle function calls
times(n: number, iteratee: (index: number) => T) Repeat an action n times and collect results
values(obj: T) Get values of an object
without(arr: T[], ...values: T[]) Remove specified values from an array
zip(arr1: T[], arr2: U[]) Zip two arrays together
zipObject(props: T[], values: U[]) Create an object from arrays of keys and values


Name Description
abs(value: number) Return the absolute value of the number
acos(value: number) Calculates the arccosine of a number in radians
add(a: number, b: number) Add a, b
asin(value: number) Calculates the arcsine of a number in radians
atan(value: number) Calculates the arctangent of a number in radians
atan2(y: number, x: number) Calculates the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments (y, x) in radians
between(value: number, lower: number, upper: number) Check if the value is between lower and upper, inclusive
ceil(value: number, precision = 0) Round the value up to the nearest integer or to the specified decimal places
cos(radian: number) Calculates the cosine of a given angle in radians
divide(a: number, b: number) Divide a, b
floor(value: number, precision = 0) Round the value down to the nearest integer or to the specified decimal places
max(...args: number[]) Return the largest number among the arguments
median(...args: number[]) Return the median of an array of numbers
min(...args: number[]) Return the smallest number among the arguments
multiply(a: number, b: number) Multiply a, b
round(value: number, precision = 0) Round the value to the nearest integer or to the specified decimal places
sin(radian: number) Calculates the sine of a given angle in radians
sqrt(value: number) Return the square root of the number
subtract(a: number, b: number) Subtract a, b
tan(radian: number) Calculates the tangent of a given angle in radians
toDeg(rad: number) Convert radians to degrees
toRad(deg: number) Convert degrees to radians
isOdd(v: number) Checks if a number is odd. Returns true if the number is odd, false otherwise.
isEven(v: number) Checks if a number is even. Returns true if the number is even, false otherwise.


Name Description
vec(x: number, y?: number) Create a vector
vector.add(v1: Vector, v2: Vector | number) Add two vectors or add a scalar to a vector
vector.subtract(v1: Vector, v2: Vector | number) Subtract a vector or scalar from a vector
vector.divide(v1: Vector, v2: Vector | number) Divide a vector or scalar by a vector
vector.multiply(v1: Vector, v2: Vector | number) Multiply a vector or scalar by a vector
vector.distance(v1: Vector, v2: Vector) Calculate distance between two vectors
vector.angleBetween(v1: Vector, v2: Vector) Calculate angle between two vectors
vector.normalize(v: Vector) Normalize a vector
vector.dot(v1: Vector, v2: Vector) Dot product of two vectors
vector.cross(v1: Vector, v2: Vector) Cross product of two vectors
vector.magnitude(v: Vector) Calculate the magnitude of a vector
vector.rotate(v: Vector, radian: number) Rotate a vector by a given radian
vector.lerp(v1: Vector, v2: Vector, amount: number) Linearly interpolate between two vectors
vector.clone(v: Vector) Clone a vector