DAB Compliance Testing Suite

This project contains tools and tests to validate Device Automation Bus 2.0 Partner implementations end-to-end.


Python minimal version 3.8

Please edit config.py to have the device app line up with your system settings.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Available Test Suite

1. Spec conformance Test Suite

Spec Conformance test checks if all DAB topic is available and the latency of each requests is within expectation. This test doesn't check on functionality or endurance. This should be the first test suite to run if you are checking your baisc implementation against DAB.

The following is command to run Spec conformance Test Suite:

❯ python3 main.py -v -b <mqtt-broker-ip> -I <dab-device-id> -s "conformance"

2. Send Text/Send Audio Voice Test Suite

Voice functionality tests focuses on voice assisstance intergration with the platform. It go through a playback lifecycle from search to playback controls. Make sure if your device support all of these voice actions.

The following is command to run Send Text/Send Audio Voice Test Suite

❯ python3 main.py -v -b <mqtt-broker-ip> -I <dab-device-id> -s "voice_audio"

❯ python3 main.py -v -b <mqtt-broker-ip> -I <dab-device-id> -s "voice_text"

3. End to End Cobalt Test Suite

This end to end intergration test focuses on a mix of key presses and voice controls.

The following is command to run End to End Cobalt Test Suite

❯ python3 main.py -v -b <mqtt-broker-ip> -I <dab-device-id> -s "end_to_end_cobalt"


These are the main commands of the tool:

❯ python3 test_suite.py --help
usage: test_suite.py [-h] [-v] [-l] [-b BROKER] [-I ID] [-c CASE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -l, --list            list the test cases
  -b BROKER, --broker BROKER
                        set the IP of the broker. Ex: -b
  -I ID, --ID ID        set the DAB Device ID. Ex: -I mydevice123
  -c CASE, --case CASE  test only the specified case.Ex: -c 
  -s SUITE, --suite SUITE
                        set what test suite to run. Avaible test suite 
                        includes: conformance, voice_audio, voice_text, 

Command Examples

To list the command options:

❯ python3 main.py --help

To list the available test cases, type:

❯ python3 main.py -l

To execute the InputLongKeyPressKeyDown test only:

❯ python3 main.py -v -b <mqtt-broker-ip> -I <dab-device-id> -c InputLongKeyPressKeyDown

To execute all the tests:

❯ python3 main.py -v -b <mqtt-broker-ip> -I <dab-device-id>