An executable, formal specification of Eth2.0 Beacon Chain Phase 0 specification in the K framework. The project provides:
- an executable model of the beacon chain state transition function that is validated against the standard test suite of the beacon chain, and
- testing and rule-based test coverage analysis on the model's K specification
The specification and test coverage analysis results are described in the technical report:
An Executable K Model of Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain Phase 0 Specification
These dependencies are pulled from KEVM, but with git-lfs
apt install --yes \
autoconf bison clang-8.0 cmake curl flex gcc git-lfs libboost-test-dev \
libcrypto++-dev libffi-dev libjemalloc-dev libmpfr-dev libprocps-dev \
libsecp256k1-dev libssl-dev libtool libyaml-dev lld-8.0 llvm-8.0-tools \
make maven opam openjdk-8-jdk pandoc pkg-config python3 python-pygments \
python-recommonmark python-sphinx time zlib1g-dev protobuf-compiler \
git submodule update --init --recursive
In addition to the dependencies listed at KEVM, install:
brew install jemalloc llvm libyaml git-lfs cryptopp
Build K and K's dependencies, and build local version of libsecp256k1
git submodule update --init --recursive
make deps libsecp256k1
make build
Get YAML test vectors:
make test-split
Run the tests:
make test
The main model files and testing scripts, which are located in the directory of this README, are as follows:
: definitions of system-wide constants for testing purposes, corresponding to the "minimal" test suite of beacon chaintypes.k
: type definitions and basic operations corresponding to Python data types and builtin functions and beacon-chain-specific types and operations needed by the modelconfig.k
: specification of a K configuration defining the structure and components of the beacon statehash-tree.k
: specification of the hash-tree (merkle-tree) computation functions on beacon-chain data structuresbeacon-chain.k
: specification of the beacon chain state transition function and all its supporting
: scripts that load beacon chain implementation-independent tests into K.
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