
Primary LanguageC

Gpi2 scripts

These xboxdrv controller scripts greatly enhance the capabilities of your Gpi Case. They can provide many virtual buttons using a button as a modifier. (In effect, it can turn the six button control scheme into a 12 button one!) It also helps by mapping controls to keyboard keys for emulators that lack the ability to interface with the Gpi case controls (some of the standalone non-libretro cores).

To migrate to or to install the new framework:

Update the menu

cd && cd RetroPie/retropiemenu && wget -O control_updater_menu.sh  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SinisterSpatula/Gpi/master/control_updater_menu.sh && sudo chmod 775 control_updater_menu.sh

Then run this command

 sudo /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/control_updater_menu.sh

choose Update Controls Framework, then exit.

Retart Emulationstation


You also need to have xboxdrv installed (if it isn't already). See the Guide here

Checkout the controls diagrams located here:


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