If you are new to JWT or want to refresh your familiarity with it, please check jwt.io
- Lightweight JSON Web Token (JWT) library for PHP7.
- Zero dependency (no vendor bloat).
- If you still use PHP5.6, use version 0.1.2
# PHP7.0+
composer require adhocore/jwt
# PHP5.6
composer require adhocore/jwt:0.1.2
# For PHP5.4-5.5, use version 0.1.2 with a polyfill for https://php.net/hash_equals
- Six algorithms supported:
'HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512'
support.- Leeway support 0-120 seconds.
- Timestamp spoofing for tests.
- Passphrase support for
use Ahc\Jwt\JWT;
// Instantiate with key, algo, maxAge and leeway.
$jwt = new JWT('secret', 'HS256', 3600, 10);
Only the key is required. Defaults will be used for the rest:
$jwt = new JWT('secret');
// algo = HS256, maxAge = 3600, leeway = 0
algo, the key should be either a resource like below:
$key = openssl_pkey_new([
'digest_alg' => 'sha256',
'private_key_bits' => 1024,
'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA,
OR, a string with full path to the RSA private key like below:
$key = '/path/to/rsa.key';
// Then, instantiate JWT with this key and RS* as algo:
$jwt = new JWT($key, 'RS384');
Pro You dont need to specify pub key path, that is deduced from priv key.
Generate JWT token from payload array:
$token = $jwt->encode([
'uid' => 1,
'aud' => 'http://site.com',
'scopes' => ['user'],
'iss' => 'http://api.mysite.com',
Retrieve the payload array:
$payload = $jwt->decode($token);
$token = (new JWT('topSecret', 'HS512', 1800))->encode(['uid' => 1, 'scopes' => ['user']]);
$payload = (new JWT('topSecret', 'HS512', 1800))->decode($token);
Can pass extra headers into encode() with second parameter:
$token = $jwt->encode($payload, ['hdr' => 'hdr_value']);
Spoof time() for testing token expiry:
$jwt->setTestTimestamp(time() + 10000);
// Throws Exception.
Call again without parameter to stop spoofing time():
$jwt = new JWT(['key1' => 'secret1', 'key2' => 'secret2']);
// Use key2
$token = $jwt->encode(['a' => 1, 'exp' => time() + 1000], ['kid' => 'key2']);
$payload = $jwt->decode($token);
$token = $jwt->encode(['a' => 1, 'exp' => time() + 1000], ['kid' => 'key3']);
// -> Exception with message Unknown key ID key3
The library is now marked at version 1.*.*
as being stable in functionality and API.
Check adhocore/phalcon-ext.
Coming soon laravel-jwt.
Be aware of some security related considerations as outlined here which can be valid for any JWT implementations.