
Ridiculously simple Github+NPM release tool for PHP/Nodejs

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


please (aka php release or even npm release) is very simple Github+NPM release for PHP and/or Nodejs projects.

Assumes you like semantic versioning of the format <major>.<minor>.<patch>!

Actually you can release any thing not just PHP/Nodejs. Please itself is released by please.

Help Preview


  • Determine remote git repo based on local git config
  • Checkout and Update master
  • Get latest release from github api endpoint
  • Collect new commits since the latest release
  • Create a changelog (prepend to if exists), reflect that into ./CHANGELOG.md file and commit it
  • Bump the version, reflect that into ./VERSION file and commit it
    • If any of the latest commits start with feat <minor> is bumped
    • But if only you didnt explicitly pass scope already
  • If there is package.json file, bump package.json#version and commit it
  • If package.json#private is not set to true
    • If npm user not already logged in, run npm adduser
    • Run npm publish finally
  • Release the new version and tag to github
  • If there is box.json file, compile phar using box (download box.phar if required)
  • Upload the compiled phar as asset for the recent release


# Requirements:
# jq
sudo apt install jq -y

curl -sSLo ~/please https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adhocore/please/master/please
chmod +x ~/please && sudo ln -s ~/please /usr/local/bin/please


One time setup. In your .bashrc / .zshrc or the like export github token:

export GH_AUTH_TOKEN=<your token here>

Get your token from here. Make sure to set only bare minimum permission scopes for this token.

What permissions

  • repo if you want to release private repos
    • public_repo required
    • repo_deployment required

Important: Tokens are to be treated and kept as much secret as passwords.


Make sure you have already merged required commits to master branch in Github, then go to the root of any project you want to release and run:

please [Scope] [Options]


major     Bumps the <major> part of semver.
minor     Bumps the <minor> part of semver.


-c --chlog   Forces creation of CHANGELOG.md file.
-h --help    Show help information and usage.
-H --chash   Prepends commit hash into log.
-p --public  Set scoped npm package for public access.
-u --update  Update please to latest version.
-v --vfile   Forces creation of VERSION file.
-y --yes     Assume yes for any confirmation.


please --update
please --vfile --chash
please minor --public --yes
please major --vfile --chlog


  • If there is VERSION file in project root, you dont need --vfile flag.
  • If there is CHANGELOG.md file in project root, you dont need --chlog flag.
  • If there is box.json file in project root, it builds and releases .phar too.
  • If no scope is given, bumps the <patch> part of semver.


Here's output of please in action, releasing 0.0.1 of itself:

$ ./please --vfile
Repository adhocore/please
Log file /tmp/PLZEXKbyF
Updating master ...
Getting latest releases ...
Current Version 0.0.0
Collecting commits ...
Bumping version ...
Releasing 0.0.1 ...
Check /tmp/PLZEXKbyF for logs

And here is colorful screenshot of please releasing v0.0.10 of phint

And here is a preview of all features of please in one release: Full Preview

Sample changelog

CHANGELOG.md generated by please looks like:

## [0.0.1] 2018-01-01 00:00:00 UTC

- commit 1 (Author Name)
- commit 2 (Author Name)

If you passed in --chash flag then:

## [0.0.1] 2018-01-01 00:00:00 UTC

- [<commit1hash>](https://github.com/<repo>/commit/<commit1hash>) commit 1 (Author Name)
- [<commit2hash>](https://github.com/<repo>/commit/<commit2hash>) commit 2 (Author Name)

On subsequent releases new changes are prepended such that latest commits stay at top.


If you are using zsh then please might have been already aliased to sudo. To fix this simply run

echo "alias please=/usr/local/bin/please" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc