
B9lab Splitter

This is the first project of B9lab, BLOCKSTARS-ETH-2. 🎉


  • there are 3 people: Alice, Bob and Carol.
  • we can see the balance of the Splitter contract on the Web page.
  • whenever Alice sends ether to the contract for it to be split, half of it goes to Bob and the other half to Carol.
  • we can see the balances of Alice, Bob and Carol on the Web page.
  • Alice can use the Web page to split her ether.

App Development

$ cd app
$ yarn
$ yarn serve

And you need to run Ganache environment as well. Open another terminal and run below,

$ yarn serve:eth

Ethereum Solidity Development

Install all packages you need for development.

$ cd ethereum
$ yarn

Test, complile, deploy, and migrate a contract.

$ yarn test