
Artificial Netlist Generator

Primary LanguageVerilogGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Artificial Netlist Generator


The structural characteristics of a place and route (P&R) benchmark vary widly depending on the logic and synthesis method with target technologies. The structural characteristics affect the solution space of CAD algorithms (e.g., partitioning, placement, routing, etc), so insufficient number of P&R benchmarks may lead to the poor generalizability for unseen circuits.

Research communities have tried to publish open-source benchmarks to support CAD research in recent decades, but they are mapped to a specific technology node or written in a data format that is not supported by commercial tools. Furthermore, to protect the intellectual property of the developers, the data must be anonymized (i.e., technical details of the circuits).

Researchers somtimes create several new versions of circuits by combining multiple modules or modifying functionality at the RTL level, but these modifications cannot provide a large variation in circuit characteristics compared to the original circuit and consume a lot of human resources for data scalability.

One of the solutions to mitigate the lack of circuit benchmarks is to generate artificial circuits that represent realistic circuit characteristics. Artificial circuits can be generated using specific rules and programs so that it is cost-less compared to real-world data in terms of data scalability. This is a strong motivartion why we developed this program called 'artificial netlist generator' (ANG).

ANG can create any artificial gate-level netlist from user-specified parameters representing the topological characteristics of the circuit. ANG takes six topological parameters as inputs (see following table)

  • Topological parameters
Flag Description Recommended Value
-num_insts number of instances
-num_primary_ios number of primary input and outputs ~10% of -num_insts
-avg_net_degree average net degree(=average number of fanouts) 2.5 ~ 4.0
-avg_net_bbox average size of net bounding box (=average hpwl after placement) 0.1 ~ 2.0
-avg_topo_order average depth of timing paths (= average depth of leaf nodes) 5.0 ~ 15.0
-comb_ratio ratio of combinational logic gates over the number of instances 0.75 ~ 0.95
  • Components in a gate-level netlist
Graph representation Decomposition into path groups

ANG can be used to perform (a) data augmentation by modifying topolgical parameters extracted from real-world circuits, or (b) data exploration by random sampling in unseen circuit space to be expected. We believe that those approaches will increase the feature coverage of the post-layout database compared to only using real-world circuit benchmarks.

Data generation flow using ANG
How to sample topological parameters



#Read both tech_lef and std_lef
read_lef <tech_lef path>
read_lef <std_lef path>

#Create circuit spec
artnetgen_create_spec -num_insts <number of instances>
                      -num_primary_ios <number of primary input and output>
                      -comb_ratio <ratio of combinational gates>
                      -avg_bbox <average size of net bounding box>
                      -avg_net_degree <average net degree>
                      -avg_topo_order <average depth of timing paths>
                      -cell_list <cell list to use>
                      -out_file <spec path>
#Initialize netlist
artnetgen_init  -top_module <top module name>
                -spec_file <spec path>
#If you want to check MACROs to be mapped, use this following command

#If you want to remove specific MACROs in the list, use this following command
artnetgen_set_parameter -dont_use <MACRO name>

#Run artificial netlist generator    

#Write output files
artnetgen_write_verilog -out_file <verilog path>
artnetgen_write_sdc -out_file <sdc path>

How to build

git clone --recursive https://github.com/daeyeon22/artificial_netlist_generator.git
cd artificial_netlist_generator
mkdir build & cd build & cmake ..
make -j


This code is based on OpenROAD project (link)


  • swig 3.0
  • gcc 8.3.1
  • cmake 3.20


  • The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenDB (link)
  • The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenSTA (link)
  • The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD/src/dbSta (link)


  • Paper reference
    • Daeyeon Kim, Sung-Yun Lee, Kyungjun Min, and Seokhyeon Kang, "Construction of Realistic Place-and-route Benchmarks for Machine Learning Applications," IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2022 (link).
    • Daeyeon Kim, Hyunjeong Kwon, Sung-Yun Lee, Seungwon Kim, Mingyu Woo, and Seokhyeong Kang, "Machine Learning Framework for Early Routability Prediction with Artificial Netlist Generator," Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2021 (link).


Going to further update soon..