Introduction to RSPt and bcc Fe
the manual of RSPt is stored in the documentation/manual/
folder in RSPt's repository.
To obtain the manual in pdf format one needs to go to that directory and type:
latex manual.tex
three times.
To execute the rspt
binary you need the following files:
(compound specific info, what atoms, basic functions, etc...)spts
(information of the k-mesh)atomdens
(information of the overlapping atomic density, which is used as a starting guess)symcof
(Information about symmetries and basis)
An existing calculating also contains:
(the potential)eparm
(linearlization energies)
When setting up a calculation from scratch, one starts with one file called symt.inp
It contains the basic information such as lattice vectors, lattice parameter and atom positions.
From this file many of the files needed to run a simulation is generated. Below follows a step-by-step description of how to setup a simulation of bcc Fe.
Download the tutorial from github by typing:
git clone
This will download the following tutorial content:
- This
file symt.inp
(RSPt input file for bcc Fe)- folder
(compare your input setup with this help folder) - folder
(compare your converged DFT calulations with this help folder) - folder
(compare your DOS with the DOS in this help folder) basis_set_visualization.png
(figure schematically visualizing the basis functions in RSPt)
Before using RSPt, make sure the same modules are loaded as when compiling RSPt. E.g. on Rackham, type:
module load intel/18.1 intelmpi/18.1
A convinient way is to load the module automatically at login by putting the command in the ~/.bashrc
To create a simulation from cratch one starts by creating and moving into a simulation folder, e.g.:
mkdir Fe
cd Fe
Create folder sym
and move inside that folder:
mkdir sym
cd sym
The symt.inp
should contain basic information about the system.
For a complete overview of possible input parameters in symt.inp
, check out documentation/manual.
In our case a functioning symt.inp
already exists which we can copy to our sym
The symt.inp
works with free format, meaning keywords are used to categorize the information.
The keywords in the provided symt.inp
(lattice parameters)latticevectors
(the latticevectors in column format)spinpol
(to tell RSPt that the simulation should be spin polarized)mtradii
(parameter to optimize Muffin-tin radius)atoms
(first number of atoms in the unitcell followed by (position, atomic number, coordinate keyword, identity-tag) of each atom. The coordinate keyword tells if the atomic position is expressed in lattice-vectors (usingl
) or in cartesian coordinates (usingc
). The identity-tag can be used to distinguish between otherwise equivalent atoms. This tag can also be used to generate spin-polarized atomic densities, by either using tagup
or tagdn
(how many spherical harmonics shall be used to express density and potential)
Once the symt.inp
has the desired setup, type:
symt -all
Now many the folders atom
, bin
, bz
, dta
and some files should exist.
Starting from the main diretory:
cd atom
This will generate an atomic density which will be used as a starting point for the DFT calculations.
Starting from the main diretory:
cd bz
The user should now tell which symmetry-file to use when generating the k-mesh.
Almost always, use the default option (read ../symcof) by pressing the enter
Then specify desired k-mesh, e.g. 12 12 12
Input numerators for k-mesh shift vector, e.g. 0 0 0
Input deminonators for k-mesh shift vector, e.g. 1 1 1
Confirm the k-mesh by pressing the enter
Create tetrahedrons by pressing the enter
Finally type the enter
key to quit the k-mesh generator.
One has to actually select which k-mesh rspt should use, in case many were created in the bz
To select the k-mesh generated by the commands above, type:
cd ..
link_spts 12_no
This generates symbolic links spts
, tetra
and kmap
which point to the generated k-mesh in the bz
The dta
folder contains many settings for the basis set.
One has to copy two files:
cp dta/length_scale .
cp dta/strain_matrix .
There are two philosophies of how to edit the settings stored in the dta
Either one makes the wanted changes in the files in the dta
folder or one leaves the dta
folder unchanged and make the wanted changes at a later stage. In this tutorial we will do the latter.
Generate the final input file, called data
, by typing:
make data
Since we did no changes in the dta
folder, we can instead make the wanted changes in the data
(Note that it is the information in the data
file which is being read by the rspt
binary and not those in the dta
In this tutorial we want to use the LDA functional instead of the default PBE functional. We make this change by editing the data
file. Instead of:
lmax ntype zval . icorr . pmix win wmt f-rel sp-po .
8 1 16.0 8 34 1. .500 t t f t 1
Change the icorr value to 02, hence update to:
lmax ntype zval . icorr . pmix win wmt f-rel sp-po .
8 1 16.0 8 02 1. .500 t t f t 1
The DFT mixing parameter pmix
in the data
file is .5 by default, which is usually too big.
Let's change it to be .05 instead:
lmax ntype zval . icorr . pmix win wmt f-rel sp-po .
8 1 16.0 8 02 1. .050 t t f t 1
There are differents methods for doing the integration in the reciprocal space.
The default method uses tetrahedrons but we would like to change to a method which uses Fermi smearing.
We achieve this by replacing the 1
on row 10 by a 0
We also change the temperature by editing the first value on row 13 to 0.0005.
The rows 9-13 in the data
file, about the k-integration, should now look like:
(/ 2f12.0, i6)
W(Ry) dE/W .
0.0005 4. 0
We also want to modify the tail-energies so that all tail-energies are negative. (This gives more robust calculations it decreaces the condition number of the overlap matrix.) Change the first tail-energy from 0.3 to -0.1 on row 21 such that rows 20-23 look:
(f12.0, f5.0, i1, i3, 3i2, l3, f6.0, i3, 6f12.0)
-0.1 .01 0 1 0 1 f .0 0 .0
-2.3 .01 0 1 0 1 f .0 0 .0
-1.5 .01 0 1 0 1 f .0 0 .0
Finally the want to have a look at the linearization energies. The basis functions for Fe is described in the end of the data file:
12 Bases
0 1 1
0 1 2
0 1 3
1 1 1
1 1 2
1 1 3
2 1 1
2 1 2
0 2 1
0 2 2
1 2 1
1 2 2
4 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The first row (12 Bases
) says that there are 12 l-projected basis functions.
Then follows one row per basis function, where each row contains (l-quantum number, energy-set, tail-index).
Thus, in the fist energy-set we have s, p and d basis funtions and in the second energy-set we only have s and p basis functions.
The last rows tells which principle quantum numbers and linearization flags the basis functions have. Since we do spin-polarized calculations there are four rows per energy-set (two rows for spin down and two for spin up). Let's focus on the first row:
4 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
It says that the principle quantum numbers of the first energy-set, which we from above know has s, p and d functions, are: 4, 4, 3. Thus the basis functions of the first energy-set are: 4s, 4p and 3d.
The second energy-set has basis functions: 3s and 3p.
Since the basis functions of the second energy set are lower in energy than the first energy-set it is common to change the linearlization flags of those basis functions to -1
We also change the linearlization flags in the first energy-set so that the 4s and 4p functions become orthogonal to 3s and 3p, respectively, by using 20
and 21
. Finally we also change the linearization flag for the 3d functions to -1
Now, the information about the principle quantum numbers and the linearlization flags of the Fe basis functions should look like:
4 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
20 21 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
20 21 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Now everything is ready and we want to execute the rspt
Either use an interactive session or submit a job.
To request an interactive session on the Rackham computer with 10 processors, type:
interactive -n 10 -t 00:15:00 --qos=short -A g2018015
Once granted access, run RSPt by executing the rspt
srun -n 10 rspt
This will run one DFT iteration and use 10 MPI ranks. To perform several iterations either use a bash-loop:
for ((i=1;i<=20;i++));do
srun -n 10 rspt
or use the runs
runs 'srun -n 10 rspt' 1e-8 20
The latter will run 20 DFT iterators or stop if the converge parameter fsq
becomes smaller than 1e-8.
A submit jobscript should look something like:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -A g2018015
#SBATCH -p core --qos=short
##SBATCH -p devel
#SBATCH -n 10
#SBATCH -t 00:15:00
echo "hello"
for ((i=1;i<=20;i++));do
srun -n 10 rspt
echo "bye"
There are a few things to check to make sure the simulation is reliable:
- The convergence parameter
is stored in theout
file and as the first number in theconvergence
file. Its value should reach an acceptably small number before the simulation can be considered converged. - There should not be any star in the second column below the
Energy parameters
keyword. - The second number below the
Fourier transform parameters
keyword should be equal to6
. - The
value should be less than 0.1. - The muffin-tin value corresponding to the keyword
should be around 0.95. - The total energy is converged. To see how total energy and fsq have changed during the iterations type:
grep 'e ' hist
To generate density of states (DOS) and projected DOS (PDOS) for e.g. the 3d orbitals, one can provide a green.inp
In our case its content can be:
1024 60 60 10 ! nmats head body tail
1d-6 1d-5 0 0 ! ndelta sigma_acc maxiter maxsolveriter
1001 -1.0 1.0 0.01
1 ! 1: MT, 2: ORT
Dos Pdos
1 0 ! ntot udef [nsites]
1 2 1 1 0 ! t l e site basis[cubic harm] U J or F0 F2 F4 (F6)
Now just execute rspt
once to obtain DOS and PDOS, stored in the following files:
To plot the Fe 3d PDOS in using gnuplot, type:
and then the gnuplot command:
p "pdos-0102010100-obs.dat" w l
To plot using Python, type:
and then the Python commands:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.loadtxt("pdos-0102010100-obs.dat")