
Calculator Symbol using c# (cSharp)

Primary LanguageC#

Calculator Model Symbol

In this calculator user need to input first number, Example Angka Pertama 18
After input first number, user must input the second number, Example Angka Kedua: 9

After input second number, user need tu input operator, Example +

This is symbol and function for this calculator

Operator function
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
: Division

User can press Enter to see the result

Now, user's console will be like this:

Angka pertama: 18
Angka kedua: 9
Pilih Symbol: +
18 + 9 = 27

Apakah anda ingin menghitung lagi? (Y / N):

if user want to using calculator again, user can type y or Y on keyboard and type another key to end the calculator

Calculator Demo Video