
MyLinks shows bookmarks organised in widgets

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is this?

MyLinks is a dashboard of web links, a bit like browser bookmarks but shown on a single page

The elephant in the room

Before continuing, we must say MyLinks doesn't handle embedded elements like emails, service status, smart home access panels and so on.

As the name implies, MyLinks, it's a dashboard to organize links.

From now on, the term widget is used to define a box containing links.

Configuration is local, no cloud, no external servers

  • Configuration does not leave the user's computer, it's saved on the browser storage (localStorage for tech people)
  • Configuration can be exported as JSON and saved on local disk, it's just a simple file!
  • Of course, if you can export, you can also import...

What MyLinks does

Organize links

  • Arrange links in a grid that can hold as many widgets as the user desires
  • The columns and rows in the grid are defined by the user
  • It is possible for users to organize links into widgets. One example is to make a widget called 'Social' and include links to Facebook, Instagram, and X
  • Drag and drop can be used to reposition widgets
  • Drag and drop can also be used to move links between different widgets

Dark mode, layout and look and feel

  • Dark mode is supported. By default, it uses the system color scheme, but it's possible to override it.
  • All links are visible, but widgets (such as those that are less frequently used or too long) can be collapsed to save screen space.
  • The collapsed widgets appear when the mouse hovers on them, so it's always possible to click them.
  • The background can be modified by selecting a wallpaper URL.

Opening links

  • It's normal to open links by clicking on them, but it's annoying. Therefore, the user can simply press a keyboard shortcut to open any link.
  • It's possible to open multiple links simultaneously.
  • By clicking the widget toolbar icon or pressing the assigned key while the mouse is over the widget, all links contained inside it can be opened.

Link icons

  • The icons shown for links can be customized per single link or using a favicon retriever service (the most used is the google favicon service)
  • We strongly recommend to use a favicon service because it's so useful identify link by its logo, see the Favicon service for more details


  • Links can be picked using fuzzy search, just open the search dialog and go!
  • The search dialog can be open using a shortcut key (defined by the user)

Show me how it works

Open this link to see MyLinks in action


Load From url

Configuration can be read from remote urls passing the parameter c


Configurations shared on Dropbox

If configurations are stored on Dropbox be sure to replace dropbox.com with dl.dropboxusercontent.com to prevent CORS problems



npx eslint --no-color src


Ignore the build directory and use only src

npx stylelint "src/**/*.css"

Local deploy

Inside the package.json file changed homepage to ./ to work locally from file://

Remote deploy

On GitHub pages

There are two new scripts defined inside package.json

  • predeploy
  • deploy

Run the following command to deploy on mylinks

npm run deploy

Thank you for supporting MyLinks

We're thankful to these companies for offering their services for free:
