
Portfolio of my projects in Data Science - Engineering

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I am Davide, graduate in Finance with a background in Philosophy. Due to my passion for data interpretation, I am autonomously expanding my knowledge in data science.

Here is my Portfolio with an overview of and respective links to my projects in Data Science - Engineering.

It would be my pleasure to get in contact with you to further discuss ideas and opportunities. Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn at Davide Fogarolo.

Projects Overview

Title Link Topics Start Date Latest Major Update v.
Market Segmentation with Spectral Clustering Rendered in nbviewer: DS-Market-Segmentation - Data Preprocessing
- Machine Learning: Clustering
15-01-2019 10-01-2021 1.0.0
Market Segmentation Dashboard Repository: link

Web application: business-intelligence-davide
- Web application production deployment
- PostgreSQL engine
- Heroku
- Friendly GUIs
- Python, CSS
01-02-2019 10-01-2021 2.2.1
Forecasting Luggage Carousel waiting time TBD - Data Preprocessing
- Machine Learning: XGBoost regression
28-12-2018 12-01-2019 0.1.0
Live Tweets on Apache Kafka TBD - Apache Kafka
- Java, Python
29-07-2020 15-08-2020 0.1.0
Credit Rating Web application: link - Data Preprocessing
- Machine Learning: linear regression, logistic regression
- Production deployment of Machine Learning models
05-07-2020 17-07-2020 0.1.0