
Scripts to deploy Azure Stack using small, personal machines

Primary LanguagePowerShell

DISCLAIMER - I’m just sharing this information because I know that a lot of people want to try AzureStack but don’t have enough hardware to test

These scripts allow to deploy Azure Stack using small servers (or high powerfull desktops/notebooks)

Microsoft Azure Stack is a new hybrid cloud platform product that enables your organization to deliver Azure services from your own datacenter. Transform on-premises datacenter resources into cloud services for maximum agility. Run Azure infrastructure services—including Virtual Machines, Virtual Network, and blob/table storage—for applications like SQL Server or SharePoint. IT gets to control the on-premises service delivery experience. Empower developers to write cloud-first applications using on-premises deployments of Azure App Service and Docker-integrated containers. Make them productive with the same self-service experience as Azure

Follow these instructions: https://github.com/fabioharams/azurestack/wiki

You can check the Azure web site for more information: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/overview/azure-stack/