Home Infrastructure via Pulumi

Pulumi Kubernetes infra code to help in recreating a bunch of home services.

This could be used as a template for creating your own home Kubernetes home infra if desired.

I basically used this as an excuse to play around and migrate some (not all yet) of my docker-compose services over to kubernetes.

I'm using microk8s on my home server and will try eventually try to figure out a way to get some remote retroarch server. I'm playing around with both trying the emscripten and also the really interesting Games on Whales.

Setup for developement:

  • Setup a python 3.x venv (usually in .venv)
    • You can run ./scripts/create-venv.sh to generate one
  • pip3 install --upgrade pip
  • Install pip-tools pip3 install pip-tools
  • Update dev requirements: pip-compile --output-file=requirements.dev.txt requirements.dev.in
  • Update requirements: pip-compile --output-file=requirements.txt requirements.in
  • Install dev requirements pip3 install -r requirements.dev.txt
  • Install requirements pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • pre-commit install

Update versions

pip-compile --output-file=requirements.dev.txt requirements.dev.in --upgrade

Run pre-commit locally.

pre-commit run --all-files