
Less invasive install script for nginx amplify

Primary LanguageShell


Less invasive install script for NGINX amplify

pkg install py27-virtualenv
python2 -m virtualenv /path/to/virtualenv --system-site-packages

Add /path/to/virtualenv to amplify-freebsd-install.sh

env API_KEY='yourapikey' sh ./amplify-freebsd-install.sh

If you get an error on cryptography check your version of setuptools so it's > 39.6.0.

Otherwise update with pkg install py27-setuptools

The SyntaxError: invalid syntax message can safely be ignored

Add the amplify rc script to /usr/local/etc/rc.d

Add to nginx.conf in server

location /nginx_status {
        stub_status on;
        deny all;

Start with service amplify start

Further reading https://amplify.nginx.com/docs/guide-introduction.html