Report Markdown edition (without sources)
Run cargo build --release
in the root of the repo to compile the program.
The executable binary file will by default be located in /target/release/
Run cargo test --release -- --test-threads 1
in the root of the repo.
Running the tests require a minimum of 40GB free disk space.
This version of the program can either generate data itself or read it from a file. What the program is supposed to do is specified with flags and options through the command-line arguments. The full list of flags and options available can be found i next below this section.
Here we have some examples of how it works:
Building the Red-black Tree from a file and searching for a specific IP:
./rust_map --build_redblack --search_redblack --input_file MyFile.txt --specific_ip ""
Searching in both BST and Red-black Tree for a specific IP on already built data structures:
./rust_map --search_BST --search_redblack --specific_ip ""
To generate a data set of 100000 entries, building a table, and search through 2% (1/50) of the data set:
./rust_map --generate_data --build_redblack --search_redblack -n 100000 --gap_size 50
Some flags and options are an invalid combination. The program will tell you what is wrong and help you provide the right input. Here we have two examples of an invalid input:
./rust_map --build_redblack
where you do not specify an input file (--input_file
) and do not generate a new dataset (--generate_data
). This is an invalid combination, because then the program does not have anything to build off. -
./target/release/rust_map --specific_ip ""
, where you tell it to search for that specific IP, but does not tell it which data structure to search in.
Rust Memory Map 1.0.0
Dag Andersen <>
rust_map [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-b, --build_BST Builds a BST for given input
-r, --build_redblack Builds a Redblack Tree for given input
-t, --build_table Builds a Table for given input
-G, --generate_data Generates random entries instead of getting the input from a file
-h, --help Prints help information
--print_info Prints the setup for this run
-B, --search_BST Searches down the BST with <number_of_entries / gap_size> number of entries
-R, --search_redblack Searches down the Redblack Tree with <number_of_entries / gap_size> number of entries
-T, --search_table Searches the Table with <number_of_entries / gap_size> number of entries
-V, --version Prints version information
-g, --gap_size <gap_size>
The number of entries it skips while selecting/collecting which IPs to search for
-i, --input_file <input_file> The file for building the data structure
-n, --number_of_entries <number_of_entries> The number of entries
-p, --payload_size <payload_size> The number of bytes for each entry
-s, --specific_ip <specific_ip> The specific IP you want to search for
The raw data from the 4 experiments can be found here: Experiments
To reproduce the results of Experiment #2 - run the this shell script in the root of the repo. The results will be located in a folder named cache
located in the root.
To reproduce the results of Experiment #3 and Experiment #4 - run the this shell script in the root of the repo. The results will be located in a folder named speed
located in the root.