
simple photos renamer from Whatsapp

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Simple Python script which given 'Whatsapp Images' folder, or any folder you like, it renames each file from Whatsapp format to a standard one, basing itself on last modified date.


How to use it

You will need Python3 to run this script.

DO NOT try to run it with Python2 because it won't work.

If you have git, clone this repo with:

git clone https://github.com/dag7dev/WAProperRenamer.git

and place this script wherever you want.

If you don't have git, click here and place this script wherever you want.


Write directly on Windows or Linux:

python3 WAProperRenamer.py


-h: show this message
-p: changes the path. Ex WAProperRenamer.py -p C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop"
will scan the desktop folder

If no options are specified, it will be used the folder where the script is.