
A simple scala-native cli application.

Primary LanguageScala

Active Cookie Cli App

This app is a simple but extendable cli application to find most active cookie in a given log file.


Our goal is to write an application which finds the most active cookie in the given log file. Currently, we only support the csv files with the following structure.

Input: test.csv



To run this app, you will need to have the following installed on your system:

  • sbt 1.4
  • Scala 2.13
  • Scala-Native 0.4.9

Helpful links for installations

Install Scala

Please visit official scala download page and follow the related steps.

Install llvm and c++ to setup scala-native

Please visit official scala-native download page and follow the related steps.

Getting Started

To get started with this app, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/dagdelenmustafa/active-cookie.git
cd active-cookie

Then build the project using sbt and create executable file with nativeLink command.

sbt nativeLink 

This command will create the executable file under the target folder but this repository's root folder contains a symlink which name is run to the file and you can use it easily.


active-cookie app takes two parameter. One for the cookie log file path and one for the date that we want to find the most active cookie. Here is the --help output of the app.

./run --help
Usage: active-cookie --file <string> --date <string>

Find most active cookie at given time!

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --file <string>, -f <string>
        Cookie log file path.
    --date <string>, -d <string>
        The date the most active cookie will be found.

Example usage with the test csv:

./run --file src/test/resources/test.csv --date 2018-12-08



Test files are located under test folder. To run the tests, simple run the following command:

sbt test


We use following dependencies to build the application.

  • cats: It offers functional data structures and syntax.
  • decline: It enables us to handle command-line arguments in a functional way.
  • oslib: simple i/o utilities.

Extend log file support

active-cookie is an extendable cli application and users can easily extend support for new files at any time. To make this program more generic, we introduce the CookieLog trait and users can create a new active cookie extractor by extending this trait.

trait CookieLog {
  def getMostActiveForDate(date: String): Either[Throwable, List[CookieOccurence]]
  protected def convert(lines: List[String]): Either[Throwable, List[CookieRow]]

In this trait we have two different method. convert method gets a list of strings which is the representation of the log file rows. Then it converts this rows into a structured form. We want to make this method extendable because each file has different type of structure. And other method is getMostActiveForDate. This is the place that users can implement their activeness business logic. Users can determine different kinds of activeness logic for different type of files.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0.