
This repository contains the steps to enable TLS for Kafka and an example Scala application which demonstrates the TLS connection from Producer and Consumer.

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the steps to enable TLS for Kafka and an example Scala application which demonstrates the TLS connection from Producer and Consumer.

Enable TLS for Kafka

All these steps are summarization of the official Kafka documentation that you can find here.

  • Create keypair for our CA

    openssl req -new -x509 -keyout ca-key -out ca-cert -days 9999

    This will create ca-cert and ca-key files which we will use at further steps.

  • Generate SSL key and certificate for each Kafka broker First we need to create a truststore using java keytool and we need to import our ca-cert into it.

    keytool -keystore kafka.broker0.truststore.jks -alias ca-cert -import -file ca-cert

    Then we need to create a keystore.

    keytool -keystore kafka.broker0.keystore.jks -alias broker0 -validity 9999 -genkey -keyalg RSA -ext SAN=dns:localhost

    Here, at this point it is important to set Subject Alternative Name (SAN) as your host DNS to prevent some Host Name Verification error. Also, when we run this command, it will ask us What is your first and last name? which represent the Common Name (CN). We need to set this property as we set in SAN value. The other approach to prevent Host Name Verification error is setting ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm field as an empty string inside server.properties file.


    Now, let's create our certificate signing request and sign it.

    keytool -keystore kafka.broker0.keystore.jks -alias broker0 -certreq -file ca-request-broker0
    openssl x509 -req -CA ca-cert -CAkey ca-key -in ca-request-broker0 -out ca-signed-broker0 -days 9999 -CAcreateserial

    For the last step, import the signed certificate and CA into keystore.

    keytool -keystore kafka.consumer.keystore.jks -alias ca-cert -import -file ca-cert
    keytool -keystore kafka.consumer.keystore.jks -alias consumer -import -file ca-signed-consumer

  • Configuring Kafka Brokers

    • Inside the server.properties file we need to add following configurations.

      ssl.keystore.location=<PATH_TO_kafka.broker0.keystore.jks> //for the example application it is under resources folder.
      ssl.keystore.password=<keystore_password> //for the example application it is 123456
      ssl.key.password=<key_password> //for the example application it is 123456
      ssl.truststore.location=<PATH_TO_kafka.broker0.truststore.jks> //for the example application it is under resources folder.
      ssl.truststore.password=<truststore_password> //for the example application it is 123456
    • Also we need to change listeners and listener.security.protocol.map properties as follow:

      listeners=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092,SSL://localhost:9093 // to complitely disable not secured way you can delete `PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092` part.

      And run the broker with the server.properties configuration.

  • Configuring Kafka Clients

    • See the example project. In the application we created different keystores and truststores following the above steps for each client(Producer and Consumer)