
This project aims to detect how to effect forest areas during the 2020 Austrilia Wildfire. To detect wildfire areas NBR (Normalized Burn Ratio) index has choosen and applied two time scale of ROI.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This repository created for Spec. Top. in Rem. Sens. lecture and educational purposes.



This project aims to detect how to effect forest areas during the 2020 Austrilia Wildfire. To detect wildfire areas NBR (Normalized Burn Ratio) index has choosen and applied two time scale of ROI.


To apply NBR index pre and post data are required. In this case detection of start date of dolan wildfire is essential. Austrilia fire started January 2020.


  • rasterio
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • seaborn
Libraries which are used in this project can be found in requirements.txt file with version numbers.

Choosen data

Pre --> 24 December 2019

Post --> 12 April 2020

Chosen Area

Austrilia's Buddong and Tumbarumba Area

Choosen dataset

Sentinel-2A is choosen to implemented NBR index.

All of these data are obtained from copernicus scihub to use educational purposes.

NBR index

 NBR = (NIR - SWIR) / (NIR + SWIR)

NBR index is usefull to detect Burning Ratio. NBR index is calculated to prefire and postfire images to decide change with dnbr.

dnbr is used to detect changes.

dnbr = NBRpre - NBRpost

dnbr is used to understand how to change areas due to wildfire. Dnbr is a simply arithmetic subraction band operation to detect change.

Work Flow


NBR Images


Pre (24 December 2019) and Post (12 April 2020) NBR Histogram


Burn Severity Classes

Severity Class Range
Unburned < -0.1
Low Severity < 0.27
Moderate-low Severity < 0.44
Moderate-High Severity < 0.66
High Severity >= 0.66
Severity Classes obtained from;

Burn Severity

Image below shows the burn severity areas as a white pixel to understand which areas are how effected. Severity

NBR Result with Legend


Burn Serverity Areas with Hectares

Severity Level Area
High Severity 3547.9 Hectares
Moderate-high Severity 8583.7 Hectares
Moderate-low Severity 12807.4 Hectares
Low Severity 8464.63 Hectares
Unburned 11596.4 Hectares


2020 was a bad year for Austrilia's people due to wildfire. In this project, burn severity detection is aimed with remote sensing methods and images. The result is shown above with images and tables to understand intuitively and logically. According to area of interest moderate-low level effect is more than others.