- Overview
- Features
- Theory and Algorithms
- Installation
- Usage
- Project Structure
- Configuration
- Visualization
- Contributing
- Troubleshooting
- Technical Details
The Industrial Workforce Scheduler is a Python-based optimization system designed for 24/7 industrial operations. It combines discrete event simulation with mathematical optimization to generate efficient staff schedules while considering various constraints such as skills, break times, and coverage requirements.
Schedule Optimization
- Fair rotation of shifts
- Skill-based task assignment
- Break time optimization
- Coverage requirements satisfaction
Visualization & Analysis
- Interactive Gantt charts
- Staff coverage heatmaps
- Skill distribution analysis
- Excel reports generation
Constraints Handling
- Maximum working hours per day/week
- Required rest periods
- Skill requirements
- Minimum staffing levels
The scheduler uses Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) to optimize the workforce schedule.
For each employee
$x_{e,t} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if employee } e \text{ works at time } t \ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$
$b_{e,t} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if employee } e \text{ takes break at time } t \ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$
Minimize total working hours while ensuring coverage:
Daily Hours Limit: For each employee
$e$ and day$d$ :$\sum_{t \in T_d} x_{e,t} \leq 8$ where
$T_d$ represents the time slots in day$d$ -
Weekly Hours Limit: For each employee
$e$ :$\sum_{t \in T_w} x_{e,t} \leq 40$ where
$T_w$ represents the time slots in a week -
Minimum Coverage Requirement: For each time slot
$t$ :$\sum_{e \in E} x_{e,t} \geq 1$ -
Rest Period: For each employee
$e$ and time$t$ :$\sum_{k=t}^{t+11} x_{e,k} \leq 8$ Ensures at least 12 hours rest in any 24-hour period
Break Assignment: For each employee
$e$ and shift$s$ :$\sum_{t \in T_s} b_{e,t} = 1$ where
$T_s$ represents the time slots in shift$s$ -
Skill Coverage: For each skill
$k$ and time$t$ :$\sum_{e \in E_k} x_{e,t} \geq c_k$ where
$E_k$ is the set of employees with skill$k$ and$c_k$ is the minimum coverage required for skill$k$
Break Continuity: For each employee
$e$ and time$t$ :$b_{e,t} + b_{e,t+1} \leq 1$ Prevents split breaks
Work-Break Relationship: For each employee
$e$ and time$t$ :$b_{e,t} \leq x_{e,t}$ Breaks can only be assigned during working hours
$E$ : Set of all employees -
$T$ : Set of all time slots -
$T_d$ : Set of time slots in day$d$ -
$T_w$ : Set of time slots in week$w$ -
$K$ : Set of all skills -
$E_k$ : Set of employees with skill$k$ -
$c_k$ : Minimum coverage requirement for skill$k$
The problem is solved using the CBC (COIN-OR Branch and Cut) solver with the following approach:
$P(x,b) = {(x,b) \in {0,1}^{|E| \times |T|} : \text{constraints } 1-8}$ -
Branch and Bound: Solve using branch and bound with cutting planes:
$z^* = \min{cx : x \in P(x,b)}$ -
Post-processing: Handle any remaining soft constraints and generate break schedule:
$f(x^) = \text{argmin}_{b \in B} |b - b^|$
The system uses SimPy for discrete event simulation to:
- Model task arrivals
- Handle dynamic resource allocation
- Track employee availability
- Manage break schedules
# Create new conda environment
conda create -n workforce python=3.10
# Activate environment
conda activate workforce
# Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/daggbt/industrial-workforce-scheduler.git
cd industrial-workforce-scheduler
# Install required packages
conda install -c conda-forge pyomo simpy pandas numpy matplotlib seaborn plotly xlsxwriter
# Install CBC solver
# For Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install coinor-cbc
# For macOS:
brew install coin-or-tools/coinor/cbc
# For Windows:
# Download CBC binary from COIN-OR website
pip install -r requirements.txt
from simulator.workforce_simulator import WorkforceSimulator
from visualization.visualizer import ScheduleVisualizer
# Initialize simulator
env = simpy.Environment()
simulator = WorkforceSimulator(env)
# Add employees
# Generate schedule
# Visualize results
visualizer = ScheduleVisualizer(simulator)
python main.py
Edit config/settings.py
to modify:
- Simulation horizon
- Working hour limits
- Break durations
- Skill requirements
- Visualization preferences
├── config/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── settings.py # Configuration parameters
├── models/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── entities.py # Data models
├── utils/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── logger.py # Logging configuration
│ └── helpers.py # Utility functions
├── visualization/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── visualizer.py # Visualization tools
├── simulator/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── workforce_simulator.py # Core simulation logic
├── main.py # Entry point
├── requirements.txt
└── README.md
The system can be configured through config/settings.py
'horizon_days': 7,
'max_hours_per_day': 8,
'max_hours_per_week': 40,
'min_rest_hours': 12,
'min_staff_per_shift': 1
'output_dir': 'schedule_output',
'plot_width': 15,
'plot_height': 6
Interactive Gantt Chart (
)- Shows employee schedules
- Break times
- Skill allocations
Coverage Heatmap (
)- Staff levels by hour and day
- Color-coded coverage intensity
Skill Distribution (
)- Skill availability over time
- Coverage gaps analysis
Excel Report (
)- Detailed schedule breakdown
- Employee assignments
- Coverage statistics
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch:
git checkout -b feature-name
- Commit changes:
git commit -am 'Add feature'
- Push to branch:
git push origin feature-name
- Submit a Pull Request
CBC Solver Not Found
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install coinor-cbc
Infeasible Solution
- Check constraint values in settings.py
- Ensure minimum staffing requirements are achievable
- Verify skill matrix coverage
Memory Issues
- Reduce simulation horizon
- Decrease the number of employees
- Optimize constraint matrix
The system employs several optimization techniques:
- Constraint preprocessing
- Progressive horizon optimization
- Parallel task processing
- Memory-efficient data structures
The CBC solver can be tuned through parameters:
solver.options['seconds'] = 300 # Time limit
solver.options['ratio'] = 0.1 # Gap tolerance
solver.options['cuts'] = 'on' # Cut generation
Schedule Data
- JSON for raw data
- Excel for reports
- HTML for interactive visualizations
- PNG for static plots
- INFO: Basic operation logging
- DEBUG: Detailed solver information
- ERROR: Exception handling
- Python ≥ 3.8
- Pyomo ≥ 6.7.0
- SimPy ≥ 4.0.1
- CBC Solver ≥ 2.10
- Pandas ≥ 2.0.0
- Numpy ≥ 1.24.0
- Matplotlib ≥ 3.7.0
- Plotly ≥ 5.18.0