
Do not go gentle into that good night

Primary LanguageCSS


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

— Dylan Thomas

This theme bucks the WordPress way of handling templates to significantly reduce the amount of markup required to write a custom theme.

F--- you I won't do what you tell me

— Killing In The Name


  • Wrapper & Layout Templates
  • Widget Templates
  • Simplified WP Hierarchy Templates
  • SASS
  • Bootstrap

Folder Structure

  • assets - CSS and javascript files
    • js - Location for all Javascript related to this theme.
    • css - Location for 3rd-Party CSS used by this theme.
    • sass - Location for all SCSS files used by this theme.
  • includes - WordPress hooks and other PHP functions and classes used by this theme.
    • rage - Location of theme provided utilities.
    • vendor - Location for 3rd party PHP libraries.
  • templates - Location of templates that may be used by the Page post type.
    • widgets - Template location for widgets.
    • wrappers - Template location for wrappers and layouts.

Theme Files

File Description
style.css Contains theme details (meta data) and the main site css.
style.scss Main theme sass file
functions.php Loads files from the includes folder.
includes/content-tweaks.php General WordPress content hooks and filters.
includes/structure.php Configuration file for the theme

Template Hierarchy Files

These templates define the theme layout for different types of pages throughout the site. Template Hierarchy files must be located in the root of your theme.

File Description
404.php Page not found - shown when the requested URL is not found within WordPress.
archive.php Wrapper for a list of posts when viewing a category or tag.
comments.php Template that wraps comment output and provides the comment form.
front-page.php Template for the site's home page.
home.php Template used to render the blog posts index, whether it is being used as the front page or on separate static page.
page.php Wrapper template for an individual Page.
search.php Wrapper for a list of search results.
single.php Wrapper for an individual content of a custom post_type.
index.php (empty) The final fall-back when no appropriate template is found. Since we have covered the main template hierarchy with other files, this has been intentionally left blank.

More more information of additional template files, review the Template Hierarchy.

Template Files

These templates are used to output the actual content.

File Description
templates/wrappers/wrapper.php Default wrapper template for the outer most HTML of the document. Normally includes the html, head, and body elements.
templates/wrappers/layout.php Default layout template. Normally includes content area and sidebar.
templates/wrappers/layout-no-sidebar.php Layout with no sidebar.
templates/widgets @see Widget Templates.
templates/content.php Default content template used when a more appropriate one can't be found.
templates/content-no-results.php Template used when no posts are found for the page.
templates/content-page.php Template used to display the content of a Page.
templates/content-post.php Template used to display the content of a Post.
templates/content-search.php Template used to display a single search result in a list of search results.
templates/entry-author.php Template to display "About the Author" information.
templates/entry-footer.php Template for common footer data.
templates/entry-meta.php Template for post date, time, and author info
templates/entry-navigation.php Template for post navigation (Next Post, Previous Post).
templates/entry-pager.php Template for single post pager. Posts can be broken into pages by using the <!--nextpage--> tag in the content body.
templates/entry-taxonomy.php Template used to display Categories and Tags related to the current post.
templates/entry-thumbnail-fancy.php Template for showing a large version of the Featured Image on a post.
templates/header.php Default template for the beginning of the HTML document. Normally includes the site header nad main navigational menu.
templates/footer.php Default template for the end of the HTML document. Normally includes a copyright date and some additional site information.
templates/sidebar.php Default wrapper template for sidebar widgets.

Content Template Patterns

These patterns can be used to create more-specific content templates.

Pattern Description
templates/content-{post_type}.php Like content.php, but this template handles content for a custom post_type. Example: templates/content-gallery_item.php
templates/content-post-{post_format}.php Like content-post.php, but this template is for a specific post_format. Example: templates/content-post-video.php
templates/entry-footer-{post_type}.php Like entry-footer.php, but this template is for a specific post_type. Example: templates/entry-footer-gallery_item.php
templates/entry-meta-{post_type}.php Like entry-meta.php, but this template is for a specific post_type. Example: entry-meta-gallery_item.php

Widget Templates

Templating provided by Sweet Widgets Templates.

Widget Template Patterns

These patterns can be used to create more-specific widget templates.

Pattern Description
templates/widgets/{sidebar-id}--{widget-id}.php Specific widget in specific sidebar.
templates/widgets/{sidebar-id}--default.php Any widget in a specific sidebar.
templates/widgets/{widget-id}.php Specific widget in any sidebar.
templates/widgets/widget--default.php Any widget in any sidebar.

Widget Template Files

File Description
templates/widgets/widget--default.php The default HTML for widgets in this theme.


CLI Reference

sass -scss --watch style.scss:style.css
