
Check your email against leaked MALL.cz database.

Primary LanguagePython

MALL.cz leak checker

Check your email address(es) against leaked MALL.cz database and print result to standard output.

Usage: :: -h, --help show this help message and exit --email EMAIL Your email. --csvFile CSVFILE A CSV file with emails to be checked (email must appear at the first column) :


Check single email :: ./check_email.py --email john.doe@example.com :

Check multiple emails :: ./check_email.py --csvFile emails.csv :


There is a lot of people, who don't trust MALL.cz and their verification form, because they suspect the company from damage controll activities. I have access to the leaked data and I decided to make this script, which checks your email against the leaked dataset.

This repository doesn't contain any leaked sensitive information, just a list of leaked email addresses hashed by sha256, against which is your email checked.

You may use this script (and the DB) under the MIT licence.