
Rudimentary implementation of a palindrome protocol (Client and Server) written in Python 2.7.

Primary LanguagePython


Rudimentary implementation of a palindrome protocol written in Python 2.7.

Getting Started

Ensure you have the following installed on your machines...

    Python 2.7
    pip libraries socket, threading & json
    virtualenv (optional...somewhat)
    bash/*sh terminal
    admin priviliges on the listening server
    thats it for now....


python server.py


python client.py
$ paldcol : help

        paldcol protocol usage:
        connect [ip] [port] : connects with a paldcol server listening on this ip, port
        echo [item] : prints out the supplied item command
        check [item] [item] .. : checks if the supplied items are palindromes, if yes stores them
        state [option]:
                option == num  : return the number of palindromes found so far
                option == list : returns a list of palindromes found so far
                option == last : returns the last element that is a palindrome
        del [index]:
                index >= 0  : deletes the palindrome at that specified location
                index == -1 : deleted everything in the palindrome database
        help : prints usage
        term : terminates the current connection with a paldcol server
        exit : exits the paldcol cli
$ paldcol : connect localhost 5555 # sets up a persistent connection 
$ paldcol : once localhost 5555 del -1 # deletes everything in pal db, non persistent connection

to run tests, type

    python server.py --test