
A simple web app to manage your Twilio voice recordings

Primary LanguageRuby


A simple web app to manage your Twilio voice recordings.


This is an almost comically simple web app to view and listen to your Twilio voice recordings. I quite literally built this and then almost immediately figured out the damn thing's pretty much already in Twilio's admin console.

Oh well.


Right now you can view your recordings (with links to MP3s) and see key data about them.

Upcoming Features

I'd like to implement a dead-simple AJAX-y delete interface to make cleaning up recordings a snap, and would honestly make this more useful than the Twilio admin interface. Check out GitHub Issues to discuss and/or contribute.

Running the App

To run the app, you'll need Ruby and RubyGems installed on your system.

Then, install the necessary dependencies from the Gemfile with Bundler:

bundle install

Next, set the environment variables for your Twilio account (I advise storing in your environment profile/rc for convenience):

export TWILIO_SID=myTwilioSIDGoesHere

export TWILIO_AUTH=myTwilioAuthTokenGoesHere

Lastly, run the Sinatra app!

ruby twilio_recordings_manager.rb

Copyright and License

Copyright Dave Guarino 2013 - GNU Public License v3 ("v. free") - No liability or warranties!