
Data Engineering and Design for remote organizations is defined primarily by its function. Engineering applications are one way to look at what is being done from the software development side, inside out. What this means is that we can specify our entry point and proceed from that location to the prescribed or desired location and sort out activity in real-time by declaring each node as an object down the line (in an interactive bi-directional fasion) utilizing objects as visual points of reference without the messy number nomenclature but instead plain human readible icons that direct movement and provides hover-over lists for execution, interaction, development and testing. A fanstastic piece of doodle is one way of saying we're are embarking upon the construction of a functional architecture that fully integrates with existing (external or distributed architectures) while providing graphical objects that intuit function, flow and faults while suggesting the next move.

Fantastic Doodles work like this:

Insert diagram here

Theoretical and Imaginative Cognition is plastic in its conformity to its substrate. Just as enzymes have lock and key structures at active sites, so do elements in the universe created, modified or fixed. So rather than speak in terms of column, row, type, algorithm and so on, we are able to watch full implementation with clearly understandable abstract images that show structural connectity and give it realistic sounds, transitions and so on, that simulates motion and action, in pre-, post- fashion.