- 0
Implement NtQueryInformationFile Function
#498 opened by KKatationer - 0
Incorrect "by value" comments in PInvoke/Ole/Ole32/PropIdl.PROPVARIANT.cs PROPVARIANT structure
#497 opened by CodeSetting - 0
- 5
Add a function to enumerate all open Windows Explorer Instances, including the path that is selected
#469 opened by tajbender - 1
Add missing HRESULT constant
#490 opened by tajbender - 21
How to use native Win32 Shell ImageList in WinUI3 - Implementing ExplorerBrowser for WinUI3
#444 opened by tajbender - 2
POINTER_TYPE_INFO Field Offset Error
#489 opened by GuokeNo1 - 12
COMException HResult named codes
#482 opened by NilsHoyer - 1
- 1
ShellLink cannot be used in AOT situations
#487 opened by MakesYT - 8
Additional hint for the summary of IPortableDeviceContent::CreateObjectWithPropertiesAndData
#483 opened by NilsHoyer - 2
Connectivity.NetworkAccess reports "Internet" without an internet connection on Android
#486 opened by NilsHoyer - 3
- 3
- 1
commctl.h: many ImageList functions missing
#481 opened by not-nullptr - 10
Kernel32 GetProcAddress for 64its
#478 opened by iR3SH - 1
#480 opened by PrimalZed - 3
- 10
Vanara.Windows.Shell throws COMException when enumerating special items (WinAppSDK 1.5)
#474 opened by tajbender - 3
- 1
FwpUClnt.FWPM_FILTER0.filterId is broken
#475 opened by Signum21 - 3
- 1
- 3
Unable to create TXT records
#466 opened by StefanoN-Infotronics - 1
ContextMenu related problems
#468 opened by zhuxb711 - 2
DOSvc unit test fails with 0x80010123
#465 opened by pl4nty - 7
Dotnet 5 Error
#458 opened by mateli - 1
- 1
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception.
#464 opened by kelilive - 3
PInvoke.IpHlpApi.GetExtendedUdpTable give wrong port
#446 opened by BigPino67 - 3
- 1
- 1
False-positive `IsNullOrEmpty` on `StrPtrAuto`
#455 opened by sovdchains - 1
- 1
- 1
Wrong marshalling for pszVerb in Shell32.IFolderView2.InvokeVerbOnSelection()
#456 opened by l-eugine - 1
- 7
SearchApi.IQuerySolution.Resolve() should not require unsafe pointer for parameter "SYSTEMTIME* pstReferenceTime"
#451 opened by zhuxb711 - 2
Wrong Marsha.SizeOf for MODULEENTRY32
#449 opened by elgl - 1
WTSApi32: Wrong variable used to create dateTime
#448 opened by AgentDove - 1
Missing unions in FwpUClnt FWPM_* structures
#445 opened by jcspencer - 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 4
- 1
missing definition for StorageDeviceSeekPenalty.
#438 opened by DexterWoo - 2
- 2
CM_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION callback: Incomplete eventData.u.DeviceInstance.InstanceId
#432 opened by luni64 - 1
Can not GetLastError
#430 opened by hedandan1989