
sample app to show memory leak

Primary LanguageJava

Test code to reproduce memory leak of AnnotationConfigApplicationContext.

To reproduce:

  • update src/main/resources/bootstrap.yml to put the host and port of a running instance of consul
  • Launch the service

./gradlew bootRun

  • issue updates to consul that cause content refreshes in the service

curl -X PUT -d "test value" http://<yourhost and port>/v1/kv/config/HelloWorld/test

  • each update will leak an instance of AnnotationConfigApplicationContext.

I have been unable to reproduce the the leak in heap using spring-boot 1.3.5. I am able to reproduce with 1.3.6 through 1.4.2.

  • this loop works well to profile the bootRun app:
while [ $c -lt 1000 ]; do
    let c=c+1
    echo $c
    curl -v -X PUT -d "test$c" http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/config/HelloWorld/test
    sleep 5s