This software allows you to stream and record a video stream from a Miniscope as well as an additional USB webcam.
Compile the code using Visual Studio or run the compiled executable located in "x64/Release". The executable located in the "Compiled DAQ Software OLD" is an older version of the software that lacks some of the newer reconnection capabilities.
This software has been test on PCs running Windows 10. The ".exe" requires the additional download of a couple OpenCV 3.4.3 dll's to run. See below for how to download them.
You will need to download the OpenCV 2.4.13 .dlls and place them in the same folder containing "MiniScopeControl.exe".
- You can download all of OpenCV here,
- Find the required dll's in "opencv/build/x64/vc14/bin"
- You need:
- opencv_core2413.dll
- opencv_highgui2413.dll
- opencv_imgproc2413.dll