
Code for analysing big raster datasets

Primary LanguagePython

SciDBGeo Repo

The repo contains code for loading and analyzing geospatial (raster) data in SciDB

Project Structure

Project Files

  1. GDALtoSciDB_multiprocessing script is a python file that will load your datasets into SciDB Clsuter using multiple SciDB instances. This is compatible with single instances
usage: GDALtoSciDB_multiprocessing.py [-h] -Instances
                                      [INSTANCES [INSTANCES ...]] -Host HOST
                                      -RasterPath RASTERPATH -SciDBArray
                                      RASTERNAME -AttributeNames ATTRIBUTES
                                      [-Tiles TILES] [-Chunk CHUNK]
                                      [-Overlap OVERLAP] [-TempOut OUTPATH]
                                      [-SciDBLoadPath SCIDBLOADPATH]
                                      [-CSV CSV]

multiprocessing module for loading GDAL read data into SciDB with 1 or more instances

optional arguments:
    -h, --help              show this help message and exit
    -Instances [INSTANCES [INSTANCES ...]]
                            Number of SciDB Instances for parallel data loading
    -Host HOST              SciDB host for connection  / "NoSHIM"
    -RasterPath RASTERPATH
                            Input file path for the raster
                            Name of the attribute(s) for the destination array
    -AttributeNames ATTRIBUTES
                            Name of the destination array
    -Tiles TILES            Size in rows of the read window, default: 1
    -Chunk CHUNK            Chunk size for the destination array, default: 1,000
    -Overlap OVERLAP        Chunk overlap size. Adding overlap increases data loading time. defalt: 0
    -TempOut OUTPATH
    -SciDBLoadPath          SCIDBLOADPATH
    -CSV CSV                Create CSV file, which logs all of the loading times
  1. SciDB_ZonalStats_CL is a command line script for conducting zonal stats
usage: SciDB_ZonalStats_CL.py [-h] -SciDBArray SCIARRAY -Raster RASTER
                                -Shapefile SHAPEFILE [-Tests RUNS] -Mode MODE
                                [-CSV CSV] [-v] [-Host HOST]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -SciDBArray SCIARRAY      The SciDB Array to analyze
  -Raster RASTER            The location of the Raster File
  -Shapefile SHAPEFILE      The location of the Vector file
  -Tests RUNS               Number of tests you want to run (3)
  -Mode MODE                This allows you to choose the mode of analysis you want to conduct
  -CSV CSV                  File for results
  -v                        Verbose, print all commands to screen                  
  -Host HOST                SciDB host for connection / "NoSHIM"
  1. SciDB_Analyis is contains the functions used for performing spatial analyses in SciDB Depends on
usage: SciDB_analysis.py 
usage: SciDB_analysis.py [-h] [-csv CSV]
                         {zonal,count,reclassify,focal,overlap,add} ...
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -csv                  Output timing results to CSV file