
This repository demonstrates how to implement a sticky/floating button in SwiftUI that adapts to keyboard presence. The button sticks to the bottom when the keyboard is hidden and floats above the keyboard when it appears. For a detailed explanation of this implementation, check out the accompanying blog post: Creating a Sticky Floating Button with Just One Spacer


  • Simple implementation using SwiftUI's Spacer
  • Keyboard-aware button positioning
  • Smooth transitions as keyboard appears/disappears


var body: some View {
    ZStack {
        // Your main content here
        VStack {
            Button("Send Code") {
                // Add button action

How It Works

The magic happens by utilizing SwiftUI's Spacer within a VStack. The Spacer expands to fill available space, naturally pushing the button to the bottom. When the keyboard appears, it reduces the available space, causing the Spacer to shrink and the button to rise above the keyboard.

UIKit Comparison

A UIKit implementation of this feature will be added to this repository soon. It will demonstrate two approaches:

  1. Using inputAccessoryView
  2. Modifying constraints by observing keyboard events

Stay tuned for updates!