
ShortURL encode/decode service using Python Flask

Primary LanguagePython

ShortURL service

Daher Daher


* Implemented in Python using Flask Framework
  • short_url_service.py -> containing encode/decode APIs
  • short_url_utils.py -> contains utilities for generating shortURL string
  • memore_store.py -> wrapper for in memory store
    • note that this was implemented using a regular python hash dictionary
    • would have replaced it with Redis.
    • this src file contains wrapper for in-memory-store so it makes it easier to replace with different DB implementations
  • test/api_test.py -> API tests
    • 1x encode (POST) API test
    • 1x decode (GET) API test
    • 1x mixed test
    • with more time I would have created a stress test


* Service: python short_url_service.py * 2 endpoints: /encode (POST) and /decode (GET) * You can now send HTTP requests * for example using "curl" * curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url": "www.daher.com"}' http://localhost:5000/encode then * curl http://localhost:5000/decode?short_url=http://shrt.url/0
  response: {"original_url":"www.daher.com"}
  • You can also run the test in test/ directory (it runs the service so no need for manual service running before)
    • cd tests
    • pytest -rP api_test.py