
The application processing app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Code Your Future – Application Process

About the project

This application has been developed to improve the existing application process of Code Your Future’s Coding Courses in order to make it: for Applicants - clear and exciting for Administrator - structured and easy to manage It aims to serve as an effective communication tool between potential students and Code Your Future.

This application has been developed for mainly two types of users:

Applicants/Students – They will get the necessary info how to enrol to the course and go into a smooth step by step application process. This platform will allow users/applicants to manage and track the progress of their applications through the application steps. Applicants will be able to submit relevant materials at each step for Administrator to review.

Code Your Future Admission Team – They will be able to provide potential students with the information, give them feedback in time after reviewing submitted links, so applicants can stay up to date and have a good understanding of their progress.

The Team

Name Github Linkedin Twitter
Olena Icon Icon Icon
Louis icon
Prabesh icon Icon

Mentor - Gerald Git

Technologies used

  • Front-end: - HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React JS.

  • Back-end: - Node JS, Express, SQLite

Link to the Trello: https://trello.com/b/dGYEbCNs/cyf-application-process-app)

Try it yourself

Getting started

Fork the repo and go to the project folder in your terminal


cd frontend
Install modules
npm install
npm run start


cd backend
Install modules:
npm install
Run a database:
cd backend/database
sqlite3 db.sqlite
cd backend
npm run start
Open your browser

At http://localhost:3000/ you can explore the Applicant journey (fill the form and get the link to dashboard)

At http://localhost:3000/applicants you can go through the Admin journey (check applicant details, review progress, approve or reject changes)

Database Schema

ER diagram

Reviews and comments are more than welcome!