
Getting image upload to work in the Android React Native web view.

Primary LanguageJava


Please use react-native-webview instead! While I haven't tested it myself yet, they have added Android file upload support as of v2.10.0 and are likely much better supported.

React Native Android Image File Upload Webview (camera + file)

This is a demo project based off of the work of several others (such as this webview file upload sample code and this sample about overriding the built-in webview) to implement file upload in the React Native Android WebView.

Ideally all the changes to get it to work (from a basic RN project) should be in a single commit that you can put in your app.)

My particular use-case is focused on pictures, so I limited it to uploading from the camera and images already stored on the device. General file upload shouldn't be significantly different.

It only works with React Native 0.50+, and reverts to the built-in WebView on iOS.

I'm a newbie at Java, so I expect the code could use some improvement. :-D

NOTE: At least one version of the Android simulator doesn't seem to do the file upload correctly (it gives a checkered background with a red box instead of showing the file you uploaded), but it appears to work fine on the device. If you know what's going on there, I'd love to hear!