
Project that implements a number of solvers using GSL and BLAS, including Cholesky decomposition with Cholesky-Crout reduction, conjugate gradient, Gaussian elimination, Jacobi iteration, LU decomposition with Crout reduction, Jacobi-preconditioned conjugate gradient, QR decomposition, Seidel iteration, steepest descent, and forward/backward substitution. This project was done as part of some course work of the High-Performance Computing M.Sc. at Trinity College Dublin.

Primary LanguageShell


The assignment ships with a configure script generated by
autotools. The following options are supported:

  --enable-test : enables testing using cunit. The configure
    script will check whether the cunit library is present and set a
    automake variables appropriately.
  --enable-gcov : enables the coverage analysis using gcov and
    lcov. The configure script will check whether those libraries is
    present and set a automake variables appropriately.

1) No gcov, no tests
  ./src/c/main/linsolvmain -f test.dat -s q -e

  Execute the main using the matrix and vector specifications in the
  test.dat file. The solver being invoked is the QR decomposition
  and the eigenvalues are calculated as well.

2) No gcov
  ./configure --enable-test
  make check

  This command will compile everything and run the cunit tests.

3) Enable gcov and testing
  ./configure --enable-test --enable-gcov
  make lcov 

  This command will compile everything, run the cunit
  tests, and generate a snazzy HTML coverage report using lcov.


The project contains the octave-code in src/octave and the c-code in
src/c. The octave library is packaged into an octave library called
linearsolv using the octave-forge conventions for packages. The
documentation for the octave code is done with texinfo within the
sources following the conventions of octave-forge. However, for that
reason the texinfo documentation is not generated, because this
package is not part of the octave-forge distribution and I did not
copy the build environment over.

   - src
      - c
      - octave
   - report

A Doxygen configuration file is provided to generate the code
documentation in HTML. doxygen support is integrated into the
makefiles.  Run: make doxygen-doc

   - doc
      - doxygen
         - html

The generated doxygen report details the inter-relationships between
the implemented modules and the source files.

The lcov coverage report is provided in the coverage folder.


The application accepts a number of command-line arguments (see help
output) to configure the file with the matrix and vector
specifications; the linear solver to be used; whether eigenvalues
should be generated; whether the matrix should be generated with a
given dimension; and whether the generated matrix with its solution
should be written into a file called output.dat.

The command-line arguments are parsed with getopt and verified once
they are parsed. The verification makes sure that either a filename or
the dimension of a matrix is specified. Further checks include whether
the dimension is negative, and that the specified solver exists. Any
mistake on the command-line will be reported and the help will be

The c-sources for the linear solvers commented out the check whether
the given matrix A is positive definite, because I found an
inconsistency between the GSL library and octave. The matrix_type
method of octave returned that the matrix in test.dat in the root
directory is SPD. However, the GSL library would report an error. I
followed Gilbert Strang's checks in his ``Introduction to Linear
Algebra'' book that all upper left determinants are positive.

The eigenvalue solver uses the direct QR decomposition method without
any pre-processing step such as tridiagonalisation of the matrix A
using the Householder algorithm. Since the QR decomposition can be
used as well to solve the linear system, this is an additional method
provided which can be specified on the command-line.

Since the matrices and vectors are in-memory representations using the
gsl_vector and gsl_matrix containers the respective sizes are limited
by the constraints of the available computer main memory.

I extended the I/O module a little to read/write the matrices A, x,
and b. The c module is compatible with the octave text output.