
Dahlia Trimble's Prim Mesher: http://forge.opensimulator.org/gf/project/primmesher

Primary LanguageC#



This library makes procedural mesh objects, or "Prims", as they are known in several on-line shared virtual worlds. It was first developed as part of OpenSimulator to make collision meshes for the physics engine. Later it was spun off and rendering features (vertex normals, UV coortinates, etc.) were added to make it suitable for use in viewer applications. The primary repository for the spin-off was forge.opensimulator.org but that site disappeared a few years ago and doesn't look like it's coming back any time soon. I had some local copies but since subversion does not store version history in checked-out copies, I had no version history. Fortunately, prior to his untimely passing, lkalif had made a github mirror of the original subversion repo which included history and I started this repository by forking his Github repository. As such I'll consider https://github.com/dahliaT/PrimMesher as my master repository for any future changes.

This project contains the source for the original C# library PrimMesher.dll. This C# version should be considered the primary development version from which ports to other languages are based.