
Localization module for Tilt5 prokect

Primary LanguageC++


Localization module for Tilt5 project


Average FPS using webcam was 183.698 is latest run. This includes drawing detections and axis of the marker.


Build the render library

  1. cd custom-tilt5-localizer/renderLib
  2. mkdir build
  3. cd build
  4. cmake ..
  5. make

Build the project

  1. cd custom-tilt5-localizer
  2. mkdir build
  3. cd build
  4. cmake ..
  5. make
  6. Create an aruco marker running ./Create_marker.o
  7. Start detecting arucos in you camera with ./Aruco.o.
  8. Stop with Esc and read the average from terminal.

By default Aruco.o tries to use input 0 (webcam). Change this to 1 in main.cpp if you want to use another camera.

Currently projections of points outside the aruco plane are not correct due to default camera intrinsics. A camera calibration procedure should be added.