[CVPR'22] Official PyTorch implementation of Integrative Few-Shot Learning for Classification and Segmentation
- allenivershaoxing
- bluedream1121
- BoseungJeongPOSTECH
- chrockeyCV Lab @ POSTECH
- corranmac
- dahyun-kangPOSTECH
- dongzhang89HKUST
- fangzy97Beijing Institute of Technology
- fly51flyPRIS
- ggsonic
- gongda0ePOSTECH
- iCGY96Peking University
- JacobARose
- jeongyw12382POSTECH
- jhcho99POSTECH
- jk3472
- kbjpc123
- kwonyoung9120Seoul National University
- mingukkangPOSTECH
- minsuchoInria Paris
- MollyluluSingapore
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- quanghuy0497The Ohio State University
- sehyun03
- sohyun-lPOSTECH
- tianzhuotaoThe Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong
- TinyAway
- tjddus9597POSTECH
- TsingularityGoogle DeepMind
- twoyoung93
- wonhokang
- wx-bRIOS
- xchanmolxManigos Information Technology Solutions
- yrcongMeta
- Yunkai696
- Yutong-Zhou-cvGermany