Simple Dialogflow API

Use this API to get your Dialogflow's agent response without using any JSON service account file.
This is useful in systems where you don't have access to upload this kind of files, like in ManyChat.

Just send a POST request to the root of the API with the following body payload format:

    "project_id": "tests-dfre",
    "agent_id": "d6d0ab34-ae52-4e39-b903-a5c2b1aec38b",
    "session_id": "user-001",
    "language": "en",
    "context": "",
    "text": "Hello"

That payload data is just that, an example for you to see how you can use it.

Dialogflow info

Go to your Dialogflow agent's settings and grab your Project ID:

Then go to Integrations - Web Demo:

Copy the ID at the end of the URL and enable the Web Demo:

Use that ID as your agent_id in the API call.

Set the language you want to use (default to en) and send the context if any for a better understanding.

####Sample response:

    "dialogflow_response": {
        "queryResult": {
            "action": "input.welcome",
            "allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
            "fulfillmentMessages": [
                    "text": {
                        "text": [
                            "Welcome to the simple Dialogflow API."
            "fulfillmentText": "Welcome to the simple Dialogflow API.",
            "intent": {
                "displayName": "Default Welcome Intent",
                "name": "projects/generaltests-vbsk/agent/intents/86425968-3346-6744-b8a8-8397f5b83hr6"
            "intentDetectionConfidence": 1.0,
            "languageCode": "en",
            "parameters": {},
            "queryText": "Hello"
        "responseId": "3g504847-f2b1-498c-8704-631d3cf1b228-83ba83u8"
    "message": "Everything ok.",
    "ok": true

About this project

This project was created by:
Daian Gan
Github: daiangan