
Voiceflow Python Package.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Voiceflow Python Package

This is an unofficial Python package for an easy use of the Voiceflow API.

Basic usage

In your virtual environment:

pip install voiceflow

Then in your Python code:

import os
from voiceflow import Voiceflow

vf = Voiceflow(

# Launch the agent
vf_response = vf.interact.launch()

# Send a simple text input
vf_response = vf.interact.text(user_input='hello')

Pass the version of your Voiceflow project to contact. It can be development (default) or production.

vf = Voiceflow(

You can also call launch() or text() with your custom config:

vf_response = vf.interact.launch(config={'stripSSML': False})

Default config values:

    'tts': False,
    'stripSSML': True,
    'stopAll': True,
    'stopTypes': [],
    'excludeTypes': [

User State:

# Fetch the user's current state
vf_response = vf.user_state.fetch()

# Delete all state and session data for user.
vf_response = vf.user_state.delete()

# NotImplemented:
# Update the user's current state.


variables = {
    'test1': 'one',
    'test2': 2,
vf_response = vf.variables.update(variables=variables)

About this project

This project is created and maintained by:
Daian Gan
Github: daiangan
E-mail: daian@ganmedia.com
Website: https://daiangan.com