
pay library base on Yii2

Primary LanguagePHP


Yii2 pay component, support Alipay and Wxpay.



composer require 'tlanyan/yii2-pay:*'

or add the following line to the require section of your composer.json:

"tlanyan/yii2-pay": "*"



The official SDK files is included in the repo, so you don't need to download the files from the Alipay website.


Append the following codes to the components array in the config file:

'components' => [
    // other components,
    'alipay' => [
        'class' => 'tlanyan\Alipay',
            'appid' => 'your appid',
            'merchantRsaPrivateKeyFile' => 'file path to your private key',
            'alipayRsaPublicKey' => 'the alipay public rsa key',
            'notifyUrl' => 'alipay call back url',
            'logCategory' => 'log category',


Alipay component accept these parameters:

  • appid: required, the assigned appid by Alipay.
  • alipayRsaPublicKey: required, the rsa public key from Alipay.
  • merchantRsaPrivateKeyFile: prefferd, the merchant rsa private key file path.
  • merchantRsaPrivateKey: the merchant rsa private key. If merchantRsaPrivateKeyFile is provided, the content is read from the file. If you want to set private key manually, remember to remove the header,footer and break line symbols.
  • format: optional, Alipay response format. Valid values are: 'json'.
  • notifyUrl: optional, Alipay call back URL.
  • signType: optional, valid values are: 'RSA', 'RSA2'. Default value is 'RSA2'.
  • logCategory: optional, log category. Default value is 'alipay'.



Append the following codes to the components array in the config file:

'components' => [
    // other components,
    'wxpay' => [
        'class' => 'tlanyan\Wxpay',
            'appid' => 'your appid',
            'appkey' => 'app secret',
            'mchid' => 'merchant id',
            'notifyUrl' => 'Wxpay call back url',
            'logCategory' => 'log category',


Wxpay component accept these parameters:

  • appid: required, the assigned appid by Wxpay.
  • appsecret: required, the app secret set in the merchant center.
  • mchid: required, the merchant id.
  • notifyUrl: required, Wxpay call back URL.
  • signType: optional, valid values are: 'MD5', 'HMAC-SHA256'. Default value is 'HMAC-SHA256'.
  • logCategory: optional, log category. Default value is 'wxpay'.