
End-to-end Temporal Action Detection with Transformer. [Under review for a journal publication]

Primary LanguagePython

TadTR: End-to-end Temporal Action Detection with Transformer

By Xiaolong Liu, Qimeng Wang, Yao Hu, Xu Tang, Shiwei Zhang, Song Bai, Xiang Bai.

This repo holds the code for TadTR, described in the technical report: End-to-end temporal action detection with Transformer

The tech report is out-dated. We have significantly improved TadTR since we uploaded it to arxiv. It achives much better performance now. We'll update the arxiv version recently.

We have also explored fully end-to-end training from RGB images with TadTR. See our CVPR 2022 work E2E-TAD.


TadTR is an end-to-end Temporal Action Detection TRansformer. It has the following advantages over previous methods:

  • Simple. It adopts a set-prediction pipeline and achieves TAD with a single network. It does not require a separate proposal generation stage.
  • Flexible. It removes hand-crafted design such as anchor setting and NMS.
  • Sparse. It produces very sparse detections (e.g. 10 on ActivityNet), thus requiring lower computation cost.
  • Strong. As a self-contained temporal action detector, TadTR achieves state-of-the-art performance on HACS and THUMOS14. It is also much stronger than concurrent Transformer-based methods such as RTD-Net and AGT.


[2022.3] Our new work E2E-TAD based on TadTR is accepted to CVPR 2022. It supports fully end-to-end training from RGB images.

[2021.9.15] Update the performance on THUMOS14.

[2021.9.1] Add demo code.


  • add model code
  • add inference code
  • add training code
  • support training/inference with video input

Main Results

  • HACS Segments
Method Feature mAP@0.5 mAP@0.75 mAP@0.95 Avg. mAP Model
TadTR I3D RGB 47.14 32.11 10.94 32.09 [OneDrive]
  • THUMOS14
Method Feature mAP@0.3 mAP@0.4 mAP@0.5 mAP@0.6 mAP@0.7 Avg. mAP Model
TadTR I3D 2stream 74.8 69.1 60.1 46.6 32.8 56.7 [OneDrive]
  • ActivityNet-1.3
Method Feature mAP@0.5 mAP@0.75 mAP@0.95 Avg. mAP Model
TadTR TSN 2stream 51.29 34.99 9.49 34.64 [OneDrive]
TadTR TSP 53.62 37.52 10.56 36.75 [OneDrive]



  • Linux, CUDA>=9.2, GCC>=5.4

  • Python>=3.7

  • PyTorch>=1.5.1, torchvision>=0.6.1 (following instructions here)

  • Other requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Compiling CUDA extensions

cd model/ops;

# If you have multiple installations of CUDA Toolkits, you'd better add a prefix
# CUDA_HOME=<your_cuda_toolkit_path> to specify the correct version. 
python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Run a quick test

python demo.py

Data Preparation

To be updated.


Run the following command

bash scripts/train.sh DATASET


bash scripts/test.sh DATASET WEIGHTS


The code is based on the DETR and Deformable DETR. We also borrow the implementation of the RoIAlign1D from G-TAD. Thanks for their great works.


  title={End-to-end Temporal Action Detection with Transformer},
  author={Liu, Xiaolong and Wang, Qimeng and Hu, Yao and Tang, Xu and Bai, Song and Bai, Xiang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.10271},


For questions and suggestions, please contact Xiaolong Liu at "liuxl at hust dot edu dot cn".