
A G Network Simulator.

Primary LanguagePython


* For one-time user or developers for staging environment, 
we suggests you should use the following commands at 
root of project directory:

To install, this command would create symlink to project directory
for python to know
> sudo python setup.py develop 

To uninstall i.e. remove the symlink
> sudo python setup.py develop --uninstall

* For pernament user, this is experimental. Do not try this
out unless you understand python setuptools.

To install, this would build and install the package into 
/usr/local/lib/python2.X/dist-packages/ (assuming -nix platform)
> sudo python setup.py install

To uninstall, python setuptools is pretty bad at this. You need
to remove the directory pygnutella-X.X-py2.X.egg from
/usr/local/lib/python2.X/dist-packages/ manually.

* After you install successfully by one of two ways above, now you can
try our example code of our framework. Look to next section Demo for


Inside "examples" directory, each python script is a separate example.
If the example is large, it puts into a directory of its own include
with is own README for running it.

Each example is designed to demo a part of framework i.e. showing
how to use the framework. Once you successfully installed
the package, you can run the example with ease in a terminal.

For example, you can run simple_cache_example.py:
> cd examples
> python simple_cache_example.py

To further you understanding of pygnutella framework, please
look at next section Framework Design.

Framework Design

Please look into report.pdf that comes with this.

Coding Standard

+ indentation is 4 spaces not 2 spaces (and also not a tab). Configure your
editor to do so.
+ your class is in directory pygnutella (aka package pygnutella)
+ test script is in directory tests
+ class name: class name capitalise every word
+ method name and variable name: lower case and underscore between every word
+ use one logger from Servent
+ use doc string three quote """ """ for every class or function you feel the
name is too ambiguous
+ use # for comment

How to make and run unit test

1. Install nose using setuptools/distribute:

> easy_install nose
> pip install nose

Or, if you don’t have setuptools/distribute installed, cd to the source
package(nose-1.1.2), and:

> python setup.py install
> sudo python setup.py install

2. Run the test:
Go to the main directory, which is under g-simulator/
> nosetests

3. Naming convention for test files: please make sure all the file names are
[class_name]_tests.py, or the test will fail.

4. Import libraries for testing
for example, we want to test message.py file:
> from nose.tools import *
> from pygnutella.message import Message