
Java hello world with TestNG

Primary LanguageShell

Java Hello World Example wit TestNG

This is a Java "Hello World" example with TestNG

The HelloWorld package structure is

|-- HelloWorld
|   `-- HelloWorld.java
|   `-- TestHelloWorld.java
|-- lib
|-- build_and_test.sh
|-- testng.xml
|-- Manifest.txt
`-- README.md

Compile HelloWorld class

Compile the HelloWorld main class

javac HelloWorld/HelloWorld.java

Generates the HelloWorld.class file in the HelloWorld directory

Run HelloWorld class

For run the main class for package, execute the follow command

java -cp . HelloWorld.Main

Prints the Hello world message to stdout

To create a JAR file

Generate the HelloWorld.jar file

jar cfme HelloWorld/HelloWorld.jar Manifest.txt HelloWorld.HelloWorld HelloWorld/HelloWorld.class

Generates the HelloWorld.jar file in the HelloWorld directory

Run the JAR file

Run the HelloWorld.jar file

java -jar HelloWorld/HelloWorld.jar

This show the Hello world message.

Compile TestHelloWorld class

Compile the TestHelloWorld main class

javac -cp .:lib/* HelloWorld/TestHelloWorld.java

Generates the TestHelloWorld.class file in the HelloWorld directory

Run the HelloWorld TestNG

generate the TestNg "test-output" directory and files

java -cp ".:HelloWorld:lib/*" org.testng.TestNG testng.xml

Creates the TestNg "test-output" directory and files