A simple Data Engineering solution for testing or education purposes. You only need to know SQL and Python to understand this project. Dagster is the data orchestration, while DBT is for data transformation. The BI tool is Metabase.
- alfianpr
- baz262
- caoduyphuc
- daihuynhDepartment for Education
- dantodorBusymachines
- dedyoc
- fnery@token-terminal
- HaunfelderFort Collins, CO
- istvan-fodorChicago, IL
- janebirman
- jkvdkooi@getthere-datasolutions
- Jwn758
- lukaszhanusik@analphabet-org
- maichanchinhHaNoi
- minhhung2556Hồ Chí Minh City, Việt Nam
- nayan-cervello
- noland254
- phoenix23590
- Salamaleko
- Sbrisny
- sebastiandve
- windlord0408Vietnam
- yildalper
- yunqiqiliang