
This is a tool for generate your code from database table definition.Currently we only support MySQL.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a tool for Generate Your Code(all programming languages or maybatis map-files and so on, up to you) from database table definition. Befor using it, you need know how work it is. So please read this document and config this tool for your own projects by ".vscode/gyctools.config.json".

And if you like this tool,please give us a star.thanks.

Extension Dependencies

If want use this tools,you must install SQLTools. It's a very popular extension for database manage.

Database Type supported


Install SQLTools and SQLTools MySQL/MariaDB driver is necessarily.And the connection setting mast use 'Server and Port' and the password need select 'Save password' if not this tool can't connect to db server.

  • Here is SQLtoos connection config sample
"sqltools.connections": [
            "previewLimit": 50,
            "port": 3306,
            "driver": "MySQL",
            "name": "GYSTools",
            "group": "GYSTools",
            "database": "gyc_tools",
            "username": "gyctools",
            "password": "gyctools"
            "mssqlOptions": {
                "appName": "SQLTools",
                "useUTC": true,
                "encrypt": false
            "previewLimit": 500,
            "server": "",
            "port": 1433,
            "driver": "MSSQL",
            "name": "GYSTools",
            "database": "GYSTools",
            "username": "gyctools",
            "password": "gyctools"

So EasyProducer-GYC need the username and password to connect the target databse.It's important use dev db not product to protect your information.


Install SQLTools and SQLTools MicrosoftSQL Server/Azure driver is necessarily. And the connection setting mast use 'Server and Port' and the password need select 'Save password' if not this tool can't connect to db server.


  • Entry



  • generate all language from db table by Nunjucks template

  • two kind instance take part in the Nunjucks template.

    • CodeEntity is db table info, the properties can used in your template like this:
    • Here is features for CodeEntity
      //database type , currently we only support MySQL.this fiedl value samed with SQLTools driver name.
      dbType: String;
      //original table name from db
      tableName: string;
      //conversion from tableName
      className: string;
      //table's primary key 
      primaryKey?: string;
      //table's auto increment column name
      autoIncrementKey?: string;
      //conversion from table columns 
      properties: Array<CodeProperty>;    
      //if the column conversion need import code, see TypeInterpreter Config
      importArray: Array<string> = new Array<string>();
      //custom attributes from config file
      customsAttributes: any;   
      //table name prefix from config file
      tableNamePrefix: string;
    • CodeProperty is table columns info, the properties can used in your template by {{properties}}:
      {% for property in properties %}
          {% if property.isInBaseModel==false and property.columnName != primaryKey %}
      private {{ property.propertyType }} {{ property.propertyName }};
          {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
    • Here is features for CodeProperty
      //table's column name
      columnName: string;
      //data type
      dataType: string;
      //data allowed null
      isNullable: boolean;
      //column is index and auto sequences
      isAutoIncrement: boolean;
      //column's comment info
      comment: string;
      //column is pk
      isPrimaryKey: boolean = false;
      //code(entity\pojo\object) field name translate from dataType 
      propertyName: string;
      //code field type
      propertyType?: string;
      //code field methodName for java's get set function
      methodName: string;
      //code field need import/requir thirdparty class/object
      importTypeName?: string;
      //field is defined in base object
      isInBaseModel: boolean = false;

Extension Config File Manual

When tools activated,it will read tool config from "./vscode/gyctools.config.json". This section will told you how to make it or you can see the config schema

Code Template Info

Tools has a bundle of templates in extension installation directory "template-sqg-spring",it's a java-spring and a private template demo you to edit them for youself style. Alternatively,you can contact us help you for your own templates. And then you can set the template folder in gyctools.config by "dataBaseList.item.templatePath".

Language Type Interpreter

Gyc tool has tow type interpreter provided: If that is not what your want,then can define a 'customsTypeInterpreterConfig' in 'gyctools.config.json' like the 'gyctools.config.json Demo'.

  • MySqlToJavaTypeInterpreter

     static dbTypeToJavaTypeInterpreterConfig: any = {
          'int': { 'result': 'Integer' },
          'tinyint': { 'result': 'Integer' },
          'smallint': { 'result': 'Integer' },
          'datetime': { 'result': 'Date', 'importTypeName': 'java.util.Date' },
          'timestamp': { 'result': 'Date', 'importTypeName': 'java.util.Date' },
          'date': { 'result': 'Date', 'importTypeName': 'java.util.Date' },
          'time': { 'result': 'Date', 'importTypeName': 'java.util.Date' },
          'decimal': { 'result': 'BigDecimal', 'importTypeName': 'java.math.BigDecimal' },
          'bit': { 'result': 'Boolean' },
          'bigint': { 'result': 'Long' },
          'default': { 'result': 'String' }
  • MsSqlToJavaTypeInterpreter

     static dbTypeToJavaTypeInterpreterConfig: any = {
          'int': { 'result': 'Integer' },
          'tinyint': { 'result': 'Integer' },
          'smallint': { 'result': 'Integer' },     
          'datetime': { 'result': 'Date', 'importTypeName': 'java.util.Date' },
          'smalldatetime': { 'result': 'Date', 'importTypeName': 'java.util.Date' },
          'timestamp': { 'result': 'Date', 'importTypeName': 'java.util.Date' },
          'date': { 'result': 'Date', 'importTypeName': 'java.util.Date' },
          'time': { 'result': 'Date', 'importTypeName': 'java.util.Date' },
          'decimal': { 'result': 'BigDecimal', 'importTypeName': 'java.math.BigDecimal' },
          'numeric': { 'result': 'BigDecimal', 'importTypeName': 'java.math.BigDecimal' },
          'money': { 'result': 'BigDecimal', 'importTypeName': 'java.math.BigDecimal' },
          'bit': { 'result': 'Boolean' },
          'bigint': { 'result': 'Long' },
          'default': { 'result': 'String' }

gyctools.config.json Demo

    "$schema": "https://gskd.sdoprofile.com/schema/gyctools.config.schema.v2.json",
    "projectName": "gvctoolsdemo",
    "projectPath": "gvctoolsdemo",
    "enabled": true,    
    "openFileWhenComplete": false,
    "dataBaseList": [
            "dataBaseName": "gyc_tools",
            "tableNamePrefix": "TB_",
            "templateList": [
                    "templateName": "model.njk",
                    "outFileType": ".java",
                    "outPath": "/gvctoolsdemo-model/src/main/java/com/sqg/model/",
                    "enabled": true
                    "templateName": "reader.njk",
                    "outFileType": "Reader.java",
                    "outPath": "/gvctoolsdemo-model/src/main/java/com/sqg/reader/",
                    "enabled": true
                    "templateName": "reader_map.njk",
                    "outFileType": ".xml",
                    "outPath": "/gvctoolsdemo-model/src/main/resources/mappers/reader/",
                    "enabled": true
                    "templateName": "writer.njk",
                    "outFileType": "Writer.java",
                    "outPath": "/gvctoolsdemo-model/src/main/java/com/sqg/writer/",
                    "enabled": true
                    "templateName": "writer_map.njk",
                    "outFileType": ".xml",
                    "outPath": "/gvctoolsdemo-model/src/main/resources/mappers/writer/",
                    "enabled": true
                    "templateName": "service.njk",
                    "outFileType": "Service.java",
                    "outPath": "/gvctoolsdemo-service/src/main/java/com/sqg/service/",
                    "enabled": true
                    "templateName": "service_impl.njk",
                    "outFileType": "ServiceImpl.java",
                    "outPath": "/gvctoolsdemo-service/src/main/java/com/sqg/service/impl/",
                    "enabled": true
            "customsAttributes": {
                "modelPackageName": "com.sqg.model",
                "readerPackageName": "com.sqg.reader",
                "writerPackageName": "com.sqg.writer",
                "servicePackageName": "com.sqg.service",
                "serviceImplPackageName": "com.sqg.service.impl"
            "customsTypeInterpreterConfig": {
                "int": {
                    "result": "Integer"
                "tinyint": {
                    "result": "Integer"
                "smallint": {
                    "result": "Integer"
                "varchar": {
                    "result": "String"
                "datetime": {
                    "result": "Date",
                    "importTypeName": "java.util.Date"
                "timestamp": {
                    "result": "Date",
                    "importTypeName": "java.util.Date"
                "date": {
                    "result": "Date",
                    "importTypeName": "java.util.Date"
                "time": {
                    "result": "Date",
                    "importTypeName": "java.util.Date"
                "decimal": {
                    "result": "BigDecimal",
                    "importTypeName": "java.math.BigDecimal"
                "bit": {
                    "result": "Boolean"
                "bigint": {
                    "result": "Long"
                "default": {
                    "result": "String"
    "baseModelProperties": [

Config Schema

you also can add config schema relation by vscode setting eg "json.schemas"::

        "fileMatch": [
        "url": "https://gskd.sdoprofile.com/schema/gyctools.config.schema.v2.json"
