レシピページのDemo Gif

Nand2Tetris 😺

Implmentation of Nand2Tetris.

What is Nand2tetris?

  • Implement a computer and programming language that allows Tetris to operate from the smallest element, the Nand gate.

  • Through their implementation, we will understand the mechanisms and theories that support modern computers, such as hardware, compilers, and assembly.


  • hardware ... Hardware(chapter 1 ~ 5)
  • assembler ... Assembler which translate assembly to machine language by Ruby(chapter 6)
  • vmtranslator ... VMtranslator which translate intermediate code to assembly by Ruby(chapter 7/8)
  • jackcompiler ... Jack Compiler which compiles Jack(Object oriented language like Java,C#)to intermediate language code by Ruby(chapter 10/11)
  • os ... Operating System(chapter 12)
