
Starter code for Django backend, React frontend

Primary LanguagePython


A single Docker container hosting both React and Django.

The React App is accessible directly at localhost:8000. The Django API is accessible at localhost:8000/django/.

The /django_static/ and /media/ subpaths also serve static files.

How to use

  1. Place the .env file in the root folder, and add the following:
  1. Run this in the react directory to generate the production build:
	npm run build 

NGINX container only serves React App's production build.

  1. Modify utils/urls.py and utils/views.py in the Django project to handle adding meta tags. Instructions have been added in those files.

  2. Return to root directory and build container:

	docker-compose build
	docker-compose up

Generate production

  1. Modify ONLY the request URLs from React; change them from localhost:8000/django/a/b/c to your-server.com/django/a/b/c.
  2. Modify .env files accordingly.
  3. Remove the code to start development server in entrypoint.sh and also change nginx.default to serve production instead of development.

Rancher deployment

  1. Add container to load balancer with port 80.
  2. Add volumes for log and media folders.

Important details

Modifications to Django

In settings.py, we have to add the following to allow NGINX to serve the files correctly.

	FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/django'
	STATIC_URL = '/django_static/'
	STATIC_ROOT = os.path.abspath('/var/www/django_static') 

	MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
	MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.abspath('/var/www/media/')

These are explained in comments in settings.py.

Things to handle

  1. React Router should be able to handle subpaths correctly e.g. given a subpath /a/b/c/d it routes to the correct page
  2. React App must not have any subpaths that conflict with NGINX instructions i.e. /django, /django_static or /media.

For consideration

  1. Should npm run build be included in entrypoint script?
  2. Testing

Useful links

To inspect a container:

	docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/sh

Useful links:
