- 1
请教下 item长按事件可不可以实现拖拽排序
#542 opened by Danniel-yan - 7
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- 2
Disable short swipe, increase distance to open
#574 opened by IlyaSibogatov - 3
- 3
- 0
- 3
#568 opened by xiao00yao - 5
- 4
notifyDataSetChanged 之后自动关闭的问题
#567 opened by qq870841070 - 4
is there a way delete an item just by swiping
#565 opened by eoqkrskfk94 - 2
- 15
- 0
To close item in Recycler List
#557 opened by zawmoehtike - 0
SwipeLayout Forced Close
#556 opened by KKTadena - 1
How do I import AndroidSwipeLayout as a library?
#543 opened by xyang5987 - 0
how to solve the slide (left right) conflict when the recycle view in the drawerLayout
#555 opened by Danniel-yan - 0
向又滑动关闭时 和抽屉的滑动事件冲突了,请问如何解决
#554 opened by Danniel-yan - 0
#553 opened by Danniel-yan - 0
请问如何设置界面上只出现一次测滑菜单,比如滑动第二个条目的时候 第一个条目测滑菜单自动收回
#551 opened by Danniel-yan - 0
请问 滑动当前的条目 如何让之前的收回
#550 opened by Danniel-yan - 0
Android 4.4
#548 opened by Sysor - 1
#546 opened by UmairAhmed420 - 1
swipe is notworking inside viewpager
#532 opened by hoangtuan051 - 0
#545 opened by haira1987 - 0
how to drag sort by longClick item
#544 opened by Danniel-yan - 1
Hey, I like your view very much, but I have some problems in the process of development, I want to ask for your help.
#540 opened by 1277379283 - 0
recycler's item takes extra space
#539 opened by Dhruvi-Matrix - 1
How to swipe always from left to right programatically on a button click?
#538 opened by MatellioKanika - 0
make swipe event consume onCick and onLongClick, auto close the previous layout
#537 opened by tranquoctrungcntt - 1
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#535 opened by Born-alone - 1
- 0
demo recycleview delete item will crash
#530 opened by SuperLiChen - 0
Sometimes visibility of button lost when we trying to click on button to open swipe layout!!!
#531 opened by Parth15Ordex - 0
Disable click events when aonther item is open
#529 opened by vallimaiel - 1
Opening an item then quickly opening another item and then scroll, this item will automatically close.
#524 opened by hangamy - 1
#528 opened by tata168s - 3
- 0
#526 opened by gengqiquan - 1
#525 opened by ChunPangWong - 0
Automatically stow up
#523 opened by fromair - 0
uses or overrides a deprecated API.
#522 opened by msureshmewara - 2
Adapter SetMode not working
#520 opened by onuryurtturk - 0
How can i disable swipe for bottom view?
#521 opened by traxformania - 0
How to swipe by manual?怎么手动打开右边布局?
#519 opened by mackwu828 - 0
Hide some controls programmatically
#517 opened by ShoubhikBanerjee - 0
huawei is difficult to swipe
#516 opened by tangxianqiang - 1
Open SwipeLayout Programmatically
#515 opened by MehranDaemian